Chapter twelve: "Delphi?"

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Percy's POV

Mom just stared at me. But I understood that people were coming towards the house. Right now it was a small figure that only I saw. But it was getting bigger. I gasped and ran towards everyone saying

"We have got to go. Now" it was obviously urgent. They all looked confused but nodded. I quickly ushered everyone out and pushed them in the right direction every now and then looking behind me to make sure the thing following us was there. Every time I looked back it was bigger. By the time I pushed the last person through the boundaries (it was Chris) I turned around and was face to face with the Minotaur. Everyone gasped but instead of running into the barrier I ran away towards the woods.

"Percy where are you going?!" Rory screamed. I had to keep them all safe. I spun around quickly pulling out Riptide. I waved and quickly turned back around and ran further away from the camp. The Minotaur chased me but soon stopped. I stopped running obviously confused and I turn around to see the Minotaur.....smirking? It quickly runs back towards camp. I chase it and then I stopped. I was pale and I stopped breathing. The Minotaur held Chris by the neck choking him. I ran towards them and the Minotaur smirked at me. I felt my blood boil but I still couldn't breathe and I didn't know why but I told myself that I wouldn't breathe until Chris could. So I was fighting the Minotaur while holding my breath. I disintegrated The Minotaur and Chris dropped to the ground. He was gasping for air. I still couldn't breathe though. I told myself to and I tried to but it wasn't working. I picked Chris up and carried him inside the boundaries. He woke up and stared at my now blue face. 

"Percy? you ok?" he asked. I opened my mouth to say something but before I could I passed out.

I woke up in my mind yet again. I saw mom and Paul. I walked over to them.

"Percy did you feel it?" mom asked.

"feel what?" I asked

"the Minotaur stabbed you right before you killed it" Paul said

I stared at him. come to think of it I did feel something but I had no idea I had been stabbed? I didn't feel anything....

"Percy you're waking up we'll see you later" mom said

I waved and woke up. I woke up and sat up. I saw everyone around me. Almost everyone was asleep except Rory.

"Oh my gods Percy!" She squealed. I smiled but quickly stopped because the pain of the stab was catching up to me. We were in the big house. Rory soon fell asleep and I got up. I started wandering around and I was in the attic. I saw the Oracle. I walked over to her.

"Hey Oracle! Well I guess I'll call you Delphi" I said rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. "So I want someone to talk to and everyone down there would be worried about me, but their all asleep right now" I sighed

"Sometimes I think they don't think I can protect myself Delphi"

"I know you can though Percy"

I looked up and saw Delphi smiling down at me.

"Can I connect to you?" She asked

"What?" I said

"Basically your my life source when I connect to you. If you are alive then I am alive but if you die I die. So can I?" She said

"Of course!" I said excitedly

She put me to sleep and when I woke up she was a twenty one year old woman. I was twenty one also so it makes sense.

"Percy you will stop aging at twenty five because of your errr power" she said. I nodded. I went downstairs and saw everyone looking terrified.

"What happened?"

Percy Jackson And The Avengers (On Hiatus) ⚠️DISCONTINUED UP FOR ADOPTION⚠️Where stories live. Discover now