''Chaeyoung please, I know you're upset but listen to me-''

''No, I'm sorry I just...'' I sighed running my palms up my face, brushing my hair back, ''if you don't mind I want to be alone for now. I have a lot on my mind and I am not in a good position to talk about this right now.'' with that I walked around him to leave the room but suddenly I stopped in my tracks, my fists grabbing onto my dress tightly.

Might as well drop the bomb now.

Turning back around I looked up at him. Taehyung was already watching me, his eyes searching me hopefully.

''During these past two months,'' I started, quietly, watching him, ''I've been meeting up with Jungkook. I went to the festival with him and I was supposed to be with him tonight as well.'' my throat clogged painfully as I watched his eyes fog over with hurt, his posture slumped as he looked away from me, gulping.

The pain in his eyes tugged at my chest uncontrollably but right now, I couldn't bring myself to ponder about it too much, or else I might have just exploded on the spot.

Looking back at me, his eyes were dull now, the pain hidden but he was still visibly upset. He nodded stiffly.

''I understand that. It was unreasonable what I did to you and I shouldn't have forbidden you to meet up with him in the first place,'' I looked away, my eyes glossing over, ''you're free to see him whenever you want. I won't be in your way anymore.''

Nodding, I couldn't bring myself to utter another word. I ran out of the chamber, grabbing on my throat as I felt myself getting choked up by the sobs I was holding in. Finally, at a safe distance, I crouched down to the ground, hiding my face in my knees as I sobbed loudly.

I was exhausted. This past week everything's just been bubbling up inside me, all the pent-up frustration and pain. My parents, the pharmacy back home, the stress of Taehyung finding out, and now this. I didn't want to feel anymore. I was spent, I was done. I just wanted to rest finally, go back home to Jungkook...to my parents.

This wasn't fair.

3. person

Taehyung watched as the heavy door shut behind her, leaving him alone, feeling like thousands of bricks dropped down on his chest. Heaving a shaky breath he ran his fingers along his hair before tugging at it harshly, a deep resonating growl rippling through his throat.

''Fucking hell!'' the few papers that were left on the table went flying to the ground, soon followed by the table itself. Breathing heavily he slumped down on his chair, hiding his face in his palms.

It seemed like no matter how much he tried, he kept messing up. And he was fucking furious with himself.

''I heard you called for me your Majesty.''

''Nam Sungho, yes indeed I did, I'm glad you could make it.''

''It is not so often you ask for my assistance lately, once I heard you need my services I came as soon as I could.'' Taehyung nodded at the old man dressed smartly in front of him, however, his eyes were absent, his thoughts running all around.

There was this frustrating tug at his chest, telling him not to do this. To just leave it be. But he didn't understand the feeling, and so he ignored it.

''What can I do for you then, your Majesty?'' snapping back to reality he looked at the man in front of him.

''I need you to do a background check on one of my brides. I want a full report.''

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