Love Me [M]

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Saint sat crossed leg on the dining chair, munching nervously on his french fries as he listened to Zee slice up some Japanese cucumbers and apples to go along with their dinner. Zee has been making an effort to eat healthier, which Saint whole heartedly approves.

"Ey... stop eating that, otherwise you'll be too full to eat your vegetables," Zee admonished him.

"This is a vegetable!" Saint raised a fry into the air.

"That's just heart attack in crispy strips," Zee said, as if his Big Mac was any better.

"Blasphemy!" Saint cried playfully, hugging his packet of fried goodness before Zee could think of confiscating it.

Saint and Zee kept up with their banter all throughout dinner, pointedly ignoring the fact that they are the only two people in the huge house.

After the dishes were cleaned and put away, Zee cleared his throat and asked, "What would you like to do now?"

Oh, what a loaded question. 

Saint licked his lips nervously, "Netflix?"

"Okay," Zee agreed readily, putting a friendly arm over his shoulders as they headed to the living room.

Saint can't remember much about Zee's living room, except that it had a huge flat screen TV that Zee and his friends used to play games on.   

"What movie?" Zee asked, fiddling with the remote.

"How about you just scroll and I'll say stop? That should be pretty interesting," Saint replied, making himself at home on Zee's couch.

"Are you sure?" There was doubt in Zee's voice.

"I'm game if you are," Saint lifted his chin.

"Oh, I'm game," Zee chuckled. "Just don't blame me if you don't like it."

"Of course not! Go ahead, scroll away!" Saint said. "Okay.... stop!"


"What is it?"

"Maybe we should pick something else?"

"Why? What is it? No, wait... don't tell me.  Just play it!" Saint grinned, eager to know what movie was making Zee uncomfortable. I bet it's The Conjuring. Oh, this is gonna be good! Whatever his earlier intentions were had disappeared as the prospect of scaring Zee silly loomed right ahead.

"Uh... are you sure?" Zee continued to hesitate.

"Oh, I'm sure. Why? Are you afraid? You can't handle describing it to me? That's okay, I'll just listen. I'm a big boy, I'm not going to cry if there's no descriptive video," Saint pretended to pout.

"No, I'll... I'll...I'll describe it for you," Zee stammered. He sounded adorable trying to please Saint and Saint just loves him so much for it! But apparently not enough that he wouldn't relish torturing Zee with a horror movie.

Personally, The Conjuring is Saint's favorite out of the Conjuring Universe franchise. Nothing beats the thrill of the first movie. It was also one of the few movies he was able to see when his eyes were still working properly.

"Hey, P'Zee, do you have some popcorn?" Saint swore he didn't bat his eyelashes. He just... asked very nicely. He was still full from dinner but a good horror movie deserves a bucket of buttery salty goodness.

"Yeah, wait here," Zee said.  The movie started to play.

"Hey, P'Zee, don't you want to pause this first?" Saint called out.

"No, it's fine," came the immediate reply.

Saint stifled a laugh. Zee is being so unenthusiastic about this, he must be very scared already. Maybe they'll just stop the movie before it gets really scary anyway Saint doesn't really want to watch the movie, he just wanted an excuse to spend more time with Zee. Zee needs to go to work tomorrow so he doesn't want Zee to lose sleep over a horror movie.

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