Into Your Arms

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Earth has changed his mind about love. Love hurts, he knows this. First hand experience sucks.

Love is messy. Love is complicated. Love is stressful. Love can turn smart people into fools. But this is none of his business. What's right up his business though is protecting Saint. This is something that he takes seriously. That's why he's so angry to see this bitch again.

"What the hell are you doing here?" 

There's enough venom in his voice that a person could die within 60 seconds.

"Oh, hey, Earth!"

The driver's side opened and out came an angel called Prae. Earth didn't notice her at first since his eyes were locked on the devil that slapped Saint.

"Didn't Saint tell you I'd be picking him up?" Prae smiled, making everything around her look bright and smell wonderful.

Earth faced Prae but didn't turn his back on the monster sitting in the backseat. "Yes, he did.  He didn't mention about that being here as well."

"Who are you calling that, you rude little gremlin!" Yihwa yelled from the backseat.

"Who's rude? Me? Ha! You're the one who's rude!" Earth spat and would have yanked the car door open if it wasn't for Prae stepping in.

"Please don't mind her, Earth.  We're pressed for time and we'd really like to see Saint now," Prae clutched both of Earth's hands in hers.

Earth exhaled harshly and blew his bangs. Ugh, he's getting sweaty. Oh, this is really stressful. He does not want premature wrinkles.  "Okay, come on."

Prae deserves a big bonus for averting the crisis that was Earth and Yihwa. From what Zee understands, Saint's colleague was still mad at Yihwa for hitting Saint, which actually reminded Zee of Yihwa who is a champion at holding grudges. Zee makes a note to keep them both away from each other in the future to avoid possible bloodshed.

Zee was sitting in the waiting lounge of Gate 19 with Saint and Yihwa on either of his side. Prae had dropped them off the airport right on schedule. Over the years, Zee has been thankful that Prae decided to work for him. They both work well together and she has been an indispensable ally and friend.

Boarding was in about 10 minutes and Zee can't help but feel like a kid going to Disneyland. The destination wasn't important, the company was. He's exceedingly happy that Saint was going with him on this business trip. He never imagined something like this to happen but he was very grateful for the opportunity and very grateful that Saint decided to drop his appointments in order to help him.

Zee turned to smile at Saint, not even embarrassed to show his joy. But before words of thanks could pass through his mouth, Saint cut him off.

"I swear to god, if you're going to thank me one more time, P'Zee, I'm going to stomp on your feet so hard you will need to go to the emergency room," Saint said through gritted teeth.

"How did you..."

"P'Zee, you've thanked me more than a dozen times already since you picked me up. You're driving me crazy and making me regret agreeing to be your translator. As I've told you many times already, you're welcome, it's fine. I'm happy to help a friend. Got it?" Saint gave him a sharp, no-nonsense look.

"Okay," Zee ducked his head, chastised. "Okay, Saint. I'm just... really happy," he admitted.

Saint dropped his stern expression and his face softened to a genuine smile. "I know. I'm glad."

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