"yes you did! you said 'don't tell daddy but you don't have to nap today.' it's bad to lie mommy."

"and what did you do? you told daddy," nina said, attacking her with tickles.

"st- stop," she said between laughs.

"only if you keep my secrets."

"deal," she squeaked, putting her pinkie out.

the mother and daughter pinkie swore before alex picked up a strawberry from the food laid out in front of her, and started eating it, aggressively pushing back the hair dangling in front of her face.

"we're here!" a man exclaimed extravagantly, stopping in front of the family.

"los, not too loud, you're going to wake scarlet," seb half whispered, setting a stroller in front of the blanket laid on the ground.

alex stood up quickly and went up to the baby in the stroller who slept soundly.

"scar, wake up," she said, making the adults laugh.

"aren't they the cutest?" seb said.

"adopting a kid was definitely one of the best decisions i've ever made," carlos thought out loud.

"auntie kourtney, auntie ashlyn!" alex yelled as she ran up to the two wives, hugging their legs.

"alex!" they exclaimed.

"hi damian," alex said to the toddler who was about the same age as her.

"hi," he replied. "look what my moms let me bring," he lifted up a toy he had in his hand and they both sat next to the adults, fascinated by the small plastic object.

"he's been running around all day," ashlyn said, letting out a sigh. "it was almost impossible to get him dressed."

"we thought we would be the last ones," kourtney laughed.

"you're good, ricky and i came early so alex could let some energy out."

"we aren't late to the party are we?" big red asked, sitting down next to everyone. "xavier kept bothering jake while he was getting ready."

"daddy was taking too long!" the slightly older boy whined. "you said 12:00 on the dot and it was 12:01."

"ok, sorry. i was the wrong one," red faked annoyance then laughed.

"you should've heard them bicker in the car," jake, reds husband, used his hands to make puppets who kept talking.

"aww, just like how red was in high school," carlos teased.

"carlos, that was you, not me," red said, causing everyone to laugh.

"veronica, stop running, you're going to trip over."

"alex!" the little girl ran up to the group.

"ronnie!" alex hugged her before they sat back down and watched damian explain his toy with xavier.

"gina, oh my god!" they all exclaimed, overlapping their voices.

"surprise!" she said, holding her very pregnant belly.

a round of congratulations could be heard from everyone as her husband ran up behind her, carrying all the bags from the car.

"i take it they all know?" he joked.

"somehow they knew before i told them," she said sarcastically.

"huh, wonder how that happened," he chuckled, placing a hand on her belly.

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