"Play some what?" She asked while sitting next to him. Harry sat on Ginny's side with Teddy between them. 

"Quidditch!" Ron happily answered. "Ginny just reminded me of how long it's been since we don't play each other."

"Right. That reminds me, Harry. There's some good movies out. We must go some day."

"Yeah, it's been awhile. Wow, kids really change stuff, doesn't it?" Ron, Hermione and Ginny nodded and proceeded to look at the menu. They all stayed silent while deciding what they would want to eat. It was Hannah who came over to take their order in.

"Hey, guys!" She greeted with a little notebook and a quill in hands. "What will you have?"

"Hi, Han!" Hermione said first. "I'll want the pasta and pumpkin juice, please." The rest also ordered, Ginny adding what Teddy would eat too, but before Hannah left, Hermione called her attention. "Han, have you and Nev thought about a costume yet?"

"Costume?" Hannah took a second before remembering about the party. "Right. No, we haven't. Actually we can't seem to come to a common sense about it."

"I understand, Ron and I haven't too. But Harry here," Hermione pointed at him. "had this great idea for us girls going with a group costume and the guys with another."

"That's brilliant!" Ginny commented.

"I'm getting that a lot today!" Harry smirked, earning another slap in the arm, this time by his wife, which meant it was harder.

Hannah grinned at the couple and agreed to the idea. "Yeah, that's good. Who else would be in the group?"

"I was thinking about Susan, Angie and Katie."

"Great. I'm in." Hannah beamed at Hermione before turning to inform their order to the kitchen.

"So, what are we going to go like?" Ginny asked.

"No idea. I'll owl the girls and we can go shopping this saturday, deal?" Hermione proposed. 

"Deal!" Ginny excitedly agreed. "And you, sirs? What costume are you thinking about?" Harry and Ron shared a glare of pure desperation and Ginny joked. "You know, with this arrangement, you'll have to work yourselves what you'll wear. We won't help, will we, Hermione?" The girl laughed and nodded with Ginny.

"Teddy, bud," Harry called to turn the attention away from Ron and himself. "What costume you want for Halloween?"

Teddy shrugged with the question. "I don't know, daddy. What will Vicky wear?"

"Love, do you want me to ask auntie Fleur? Maybe you could go matching." Ginny suggested. Teddy nodded with a grin.


The following saturday morning, just before the party weekend, the girls all met up in the Leaky Cauldron to go shopping in muggle London. They figured they would find more Halloween costumes there since it is more of a muggle tradition to dress up than a wizarding. Katie was the last one to arrive that lovely October morning.

"Finally, Kat!" Angelina buffed when Katie came through the door. She barely made it inside the bar and she was already outside again, being pushed out by the other five girls.

“Easy there! I'm like five minutes late!" Katie protested. 

They walked together for some good part of an hour, going in store to store but not finding anything. Looking for six costumes together was turning out to be harder than they predicted. When they were a store away of giving up, Susan saw a large sign that read 'Halloween Group Costumes' in large letters. She let a high pitched yell out, making the other girls jump and almost go for their wands in response.

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