"More motivation?" Julie asked as she peered over my shoulder. As I heard her voice I slammed the book to my chest and turned to look at her. "Oh, I'm not allowed to see?! I'm your sister! Its not anything I haven't read before." Her eyes widened as she realized what she said.

"What?! You haven't read before?! You read my song book?!!"

"I'm sorry okay!" I started to chase her around the room, "When Luke read them he stole some lines from certain songs and it spiked my interest! What we really should me talking about is the love song you wrote for a someone special and how you were just jotting down another." She laid on her bed on her chest, staring at me sitting on mine.

"What are you talking about, that wasn't about Reggie."

"Are you kidding me?! You've already admitted you like him and it's so obvious he likes you too."

"Just obvious as you and Luke? Don't think I haven't had a peek in your dream box." I smugly told her.

"What!? And I'm invading your space?!"

"I'm allowed, I'm your older sister. It's my right to check you aren't falling so someone I don't approve of. And don't worry, I approve." I winked at her, teasing her about her little crush on Luke.

"Hey hey hey, we weren't talking about me, we were talking about you and Reggie. What are you writing about him now?"

"Nothing, alright?"

"It looked like you were writing about that night of the dance, you danced at the 'club'"

"It wasn't a 'club' it was a club. And, for your information, yes, yes we did."

"Well no wonder the night got away from you! Look at you, Your blushing!!" She accused me.

"No. I . Am not!"

"Yes you are, just admit it. You, are in love, with a... ghost."

"Fine.. Just go to bed." I laughed and rolled my eyes at her as she threw herself back onto her pillows. Maybe I was in love with him..

------------------The Next Morning---------------

"I got a spark in me, hands up if you can see" We came downstairs to hear our dad singing the song we performed last night. And then Reggie joined in, "And you're a part of me, hands up if you're with me"

"This is new." I smiled.

"Yeah, I was in the mood for cooking some breakfast." Dad replied

"He thought you were talking to him." Reggie giggled and I laughed at him, dad looked kind of confused and I quickly turned my laugh to a smile.

"Me and your dad are pals now, it's a little one sided, but it works."

"Look after the talk we had the other night, I was thinking that I may have cost you an opportunity with that manager. So I was thinking.."

"Dad no, we should have never snuck out."

"Let the man speak. He's been stress eating all week! I don't know where he puts it though... It's like.. firm" Reggie circled his hands around dad's stomach and it took everything I had to hold in my laugh, Julie just gave me a look.

"I know, but I really want to support your band, so I called in some favours.. and I booked you a local gig!"

"Best dad ever! What?" Reggie yelled

"Oh my gosh, where?" Julie asked

"Did you call your buddy from Drakes?" I added.

"Not quite." Oh "I called Flynn, and she's gonna help us throw a party! Here. Tonight."

"Oh! So you booked a gig at our house?"

"Maybe I was early with the best dad ever thing."

"All right, hear me out. You invite some of your friends over, you play with your band, and I'll get some colleagues to put you on film. That way, you have something professional for your You Tube." Dad was so excited.

"You'd do that for us?" 


"Back to 'best dad ever'. I'll go tell the guys. Have a good day at work, Ray! It's cool, you don't have to answer. Just..." He poofed out, poor guy. We swiftly made our way to school after that... strange encounter.

Today was when we performed our dance. I hadn't seen Cameron since the texts last night, and someone else has been on my mind. I don't know if I'll even remember the dance. I start to walk over to Julie, so we can walk to class together, and I saw her walking away from Luke, grinning wildly. "Kill it on the dance floor!" He shouted after her.

"Someone has a crush on Julieeee" I mocked her, as I looped my arm around hers.

"Oh, shut up" She rolled her eyes.


"Boys, I want you to focus and leave it all out on the field." Was this Coach's idea of a pep talk?

"You're losing 'em Frank. Breathe in... Shake out your nerves. Surrender to the music and your partner. Here we go."

"You ready for this, Molina?"

"Ready than I'll ever be."

It was just one dance, I could get through it without thinking of Reggie. Easy. Or so I thought. I didn't make any mistakes in the dance thankfully, but all I could think of was that weird flashback and the jolts I was feeling. I hadn't had a jolt in a while. Julie thinks they have gone away but I didn't want to worry her when I kept feeling them. I can almost sense them coming so I can make sure she isn't around.

I still hadn't found out what that flashback meant. It meant something really important. It connected Reggie and I, and that connection was something that I wanted to keep around. I would do anything to know what it meant.

Before I knew it the dance was done, and I was met with Cameron's smiling face. "We did great!"

"Erm... Yeah! We.. totally aced it."

" Thankyou for carrying me y/n, we both know it was all because of you."

"Oh I can't take all of the credit, you were great."

"Erm.. about that date. You free tonight?"

"About that, I'm not, there is a party happening at mine tonight, so my band can perform. You wanna come?"

"Yeah I would love to come, you know I'm your number one fan." He winked at me.

"Yeah" I found myself awkward laughing and just had to get out of there. "Erm.. I'll see you there" I ran out of the room.


And another one! This one took a little longer than expected but I really like it. I know exactly where I am going to go with the storyline and I can't wait! I hope you liked the chapter!


The Ghost Playing Bass(Reggie x reader)Where stories live. Discover now