chapter forty.

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| river |

"Where the hell were you guys?!" I yelled as Camila and Serena stopped abruptly behind me as I turned to face them.

I really didn't wanna make a scene, but Nyah finding herself in the hospital is becoming too much of a pattern.

"She's the one-" Camila began and Serena moved in front of her. "She left my place to go and drop files with Mason before he went to go and see his parents," Serena said and I raised my eyebrow.

"Well where was he when it happened?" I asked a little too loudly.

"We don't know where she's keeping him," Serena answered in a quieter tone as she looked around and the entire waiting room had their eyes on us. "Camila?" I called to see whether she could confirm Serena's explanation.

"Don't even ask me," She muttered as she walked to the reception desk.

I turned back to look at Serena but she didn't make eye contact with me.

I joined Camila at the reception desk just as the receptionist finished telling her the room number. "You heard that right?" Camila said and I nodded as I headed towards the room.

It was on the top floor of the hospital.

When I turned around, Camila and Serena weren't there so I didn't wait for them.

| serena |

"What the hell is your issue?" Camila hissed as she yanked her arm free from my grasp.

This girl is getting on my last nerve.

I looked at the receptionist that was eyeing us before dragging her outside of the hospital. "Were you seriously going to tell him where Nyah actually was?" I asked and she shrugged. "He deserves to know," She responded nonchalantly and I glared at her.

"Their relationship has nothing to do with you," I reminded her and she rolled her eyes as her arms folded. "I care a lot about River. He's a nice guy but Nyah makes stupid mistakes sometimes and doesn't realise what's right in front of her." She explained and I raised my eyebrow.

What she did was fucked up, even for her, yet she is still standing here acting like she isn't obsessed with River.

"You seriously think I don't know?" I asked her and she raised her eyebrow. "That it was you that gave Mason the drug on graduation night? The one that sent Nyah to the hospital?" I hissed and I could feel her wavering.

Jordan wasn't the only girl at uni that knew everything about everyone. I just wasn't a gossip about it.

"I have no clue what you're talking about. I wouldn't want Nyah to get hurt. Ever."

"But just enough so you can have River for yourself," I stated and she scoffed.

"You're delusional. Where did you even get that from?" She questioned.

"For a makeshift lawyer, you don't hide your tracks very well," I said but paused. I could see Kane standing not far from us. I noticed him earlier.

He's been there for a while. Long enough to hear everything.

I gave her one last look and headed into the hospital. I looked through the glass windows as she turned around to face Kane. "We will talk about this later," I heard him say as he walked past her and joined me inside. I moved away from the window and he stared at me as I shrugged and walked past him.

"Don't even think about saying 'I told you so'," He grumbled as I pressed the button and the lift opened. We both walked inside and I pressed the floor that Nyah was on. "What will you do if I do?" I questioned as the lift hummed.

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