chapter thirty-six.

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| river |

The room went silent as we heard the door unlock and our heads all turned to face her as she walked into the house.

I really did expect her to bring Mason here, because where else would she take him?

But she's my girlfriend and I trust her so I didn't call her to question her about it. Kane, however, couldn't wait.

And she didn't even tell him anyways.

Camila immediately got up and approached her. "Where the hell is he Nyah?" she asked and she didn't even respond.

She gave Camila a look and then waved at the rest of us. She smiled weakly at me and I winked as she took off her shoes.

You could tell how tired she is.

"So no one else is concerned about this? Is it really just me?" Camila asked.

"Just give it a rest, okay?" Kane said softly as he got up and she frowned.

"I did not waste my time digging up dirt on him just for him to go and hide somewhere. We need to bring him in to the police," Camila argued and Nyah wasn't even listening as she snuggled into me and shut her eyes.

"We literally discussed this this morning. We're not bringing him in," Serena dismissed her and continued texting on her phone.

"But-" Camila tried to argue again and Nyah sat up. "I'm the one that he hurt. I'm the one that brought him in, so I decide what happens to him. Is that okay with you?" Nyah said and you could tell she wasn't playing around.

"No-" Camila interjected and Nyah cut her off again.

"Sorry let me rephrase that. I don't care whether you like it or not. That's what's happening," She finished and sighed before getting up and going upstairs.

"Great," I muttered loudly as I got up too and followed her.

She face-planted onto our bed and I shut the door behind me and leaned against one of the bedframes as I watched her.

"I'm not tripping am I?" She asked as she turned on her back to look up at me and I shook my head.

"I was the victim in the situation so I decide what happens to him," she said as she stood up and headed into the bathroom.

I laid on our bed as I waited for her to finish in the shower.

𐐒𐐚 ° ˚ ₒ ∞ 𐐒𐐚 ° ˚ ₒ ∞ 𐐒𐐚

| nyah |

My headache didn't completely disappear when I woke up or when I had an unnecessary large breakfast but I had to stomach it and go and see Mason.

River was still in bed when I left so I chose not to wake him.

I didn't wanna involve him because then everyone else automatically gets involved.

I know for a fact that none of them would understand why I got a separate house, maybe Serena, but then again she has always been kinda biased.

The drive wasn't long but I stopped at a breakfast diner on the way to pick him up so breakfast before driving up to my house. I unlocked the door and slowly shut it behind me as I walked in.

"Hello?" I called out as I walked into the sitting room. I placed the bag on the kitchen island and turned around as I heard footsteps.

"Hey," He said with a grunt as I widened my eyes and stepped back. He headed straight to the bag and I stared dumbfoundedly as he dug through the bag in nothing but low gym shorts. I cleared my throat and flicked my eyes to his chest. "Oh sorry, I was in the gym," He said as he pointed towards the stairs.

Fallen From Grace: THE SINNERS SERIESDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora