I scoffed again and stood up.

Y/N:"Yeah, right. You didn't even know I was gone. And I already said, I don't want to talk about the past month."

Jay wanted to say something but was interrupted when our Luna, Amber, ran to us.

Amber:"Hey, guys, I don't care what you're arguing about. Y/N, I need you to come with me. It's urgent."

I nodded and silently thanked all the gods that sent her in that moment. I didn't even say goodbye to them and followed Amber to the main area on our territory.

Y/N:"If you don't mind me asking, why do you need me?"

Amber:"Jackson and some other wolves went hunting again when they came across a wandering wolf. He asked them if they knew where he could find Y/N and he begged them to take him to you when they told him they did know you. But he did smell weird, not like a wolf."

I tensed up when she said the last part. It couldn't be someone from there, right?

Amber looked at me judgingly.

Amber:"Do you have any idea who could it be?"

I just quietly shook my head and looked in front of me.

We walked for a few more minutes until we came to the Alpha's residence. There were a few wolves there, just like Amber said but what caught my attention was the somehow familiar dark gray wolf standing in the middle of some kind of circle they created. We came closer to them and Amber made it clear we've come.

Amber:"She's here. This is the Y/N you've been looking for."

I had some distance between me and the new wolf but when I made eye contact with him, the distance dissapeared and only one name came to my mind.


I whispered and ran to him. I didn't even realise Dawn gave me a control over my body and I changed in a human. I didn't hear all the gasps that came from my pack mates and I didn't see all the judging and shocked eyes. All I knew and felt was him.

Before I could reach Jimin, he also turned into a human and when I came in contact with him, he lifted me up and spun me around. I giggled and hugged him harder than before. I heard his laugh too and it made me smile even more. He finally put me down and looked in my eyes. 

Jimin:"This might sound cheesy because I've seen you one week ago but I missed you."

I smiled at his words.

Y/N:"I missed you too."

His eyes were sparkling from happiness and relieve. I felt myself slowly lean forward just like him. But our moment had to be ruined by my current Alpha.

Jackson:"Y/N??? What is this? You're a human? Some kind of creature?"

I hung my head low, sighed and pulled away from Jimin but he quickly put his arms around my waist and stood on my side.

Y/N:"No, I'm not a human. I'm actually a werewolf and I'm surprised you didn't notice."

There were even more gasps and now almost the whole pack was watching us.

Jackson:"And you didn't tell us? Y/N, what happened to you in that one month you were away?"

Y/N:"What happened is none of your concerns. I already told you it's not something I'll easily tell. All you have to know is that it changed my life."

Jimin squeezed my waist lightly to get my attention. I looked at him and now he had a more serious facial expression than before.

Jimin:"I need you to come with me, Y/N. I can't tell you all reasons why but if you come, I promise you'll know everything. Let's say that for now, I want you to come so I can save you from your pack."

The Legend Of White Werewolfs / BTS Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now