"Tanisha? Tanisha, how many fingers am I holding up? Hello?" Three Jamilas swayed side to side in front of me as I used all my strength to keep my eyes open. But I eventually gave up and closed them.

"Yeah, could you take her home please. I don't want her going home by herself and I would keep her here, but she's had too much to drink and I don't want my parents to find out."

"Yeah, no problem" a deeper voice said.

"Actually scratch that, do you mind taking her to your house; her mum's not home today, but if her mum sees her like this in the morning she'll kill both of us."

"Calm. Give me your number so I can keep you updated"

"Oh okay. Thanks for doing this, I owe you"

——the next morning

Ugh my head. What even happened last night?

Oh. Tyrell...

I looked and saw that I was not in the same clothes I wore to the party; I was in an oversized tee. And this was not my room..this was-

"You feeling any better?" Samuel asked coming into the room with a towel on his waist. Does he ever wear tops?
"Relax, nothing happened. I just put that on cause I'm sure you didn't wanna sleep in jeans" he explained after seeing my confused face.

So he saw me in my underwear? Safe.

"Oh. Thanks I guess. What happened at the party?"

"Not gonna lie you were gone. Like, wasted. You could barely speak cause you drunk too much. Jamila told me to take you here instead of yours cause your mum would bug out" Samuel handed me some water.

Jamila is too good at looking out for me; I can't imagine not having her.

"Is anyone else here?" I asked.

"Nah my parents are at work. And my bro's at some summer school ting. Anyway since you're awake, here's your clothes, you're free to leave"

"Tanisha I know you're in there so open the F*CKING DOOR!" I heard Tyrell shouting from the house door.

My head was killing me but I had to get rid of him.

"Don't come down" I whispered to Samuel; I wasn't tryna get him involved.

I rushed down and opened the door, only to be pushed back by Tyrell.

"Where is he? Wow you're wearing his top yeah? Come down PUSSIO" Tyrell shouted out.

"Ty you have no right to come here moaning about me being here you know. Did you not hear enough moaning last night when you were cheating on me?"

"Ai what" his voice lowered and he started looking to the side, rubbing his neck, "you're obviously gonna see things you don't like if you start stalking people"

"Please- if anything you're stalking me. Coming here and looking for me. Mtchewww, oloshi" I said before Tyrell grabbed my arm, pulling me outside, "let go of me!"

"Babes, this whole hoe thing you've got going on isn't the one"

"What, so I can't have one male friend but your whole Snapchat friend list can be all girls? Move from me, man!"

"Ayo! She said let go of her" Samuel came and pushed Tyrell off of me, putting him into a headlock.

Not them fighting.🖐

"Samuel leave him" I said as he was about hit Tyrell.

"You're gonna regret this" Tyrell spat, walking out.

"Ugh I'm sorry. I'm gonna leave before I bring more drama to your life. I'm sure you're not tryna deal with all this" I said putting my jeans on under the oversized tee.

"Tani?" Samuel called as I was halfway out the door, "you know when you said I don't know you? You don't know me either; maybe I want to deal with it"

I let out a slight laugh then walked away.
You can just tell he's not built for this life.

What the hell does this boy want from me?

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Jamila Bashir, 17, Somali

Jamila Bashir, 17, Somali

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