★ ~ • Chapter -20 • ~ ★

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*Next morning*

Adrian is awake now and is already ready. Nevan still is sleeping, as adrian let's him sleep for some time. They skip their school as they are meeting nevan's mom today. They really didn't mind skipping their school as they already had read everything about it and school was just having a revision of the studied chapters.

"Nev, wake up." Adrian says ruffling his hair. "Hmmm...let me sleep..." Nevan says sleeping again. "Wake up, we have to go meet your mom. Come on." Adrian says moving his fingers in his hair. "Arghh..." Nevan growls and wakes up. "Finally... It's hard waking you up." Adrian says pecking his lips. Nevan rubs his eyes and gets up. He does a stretch and smiles. "I'm excited to meet my mom today." Nevan says basically jumping out of excitement. Adrian finds it really cute and he pecks his forehead, "you're so cute." He says smiling. "Ikr.. let's have a bath and go to my house okay?" Nevan says and they go to have a bath.

"Mom, we'll be going to nevan's house. We'll come having a lunch on the way." Adrian says going out of the house. " "Okay son." Rosie says and they both leave the house.

As they are near nevan's house, Adrian looks at Nevan who seems a bit tensed up. "What's wrong Nev?" Nevan shakes his head. "Nothing." Adrian grabs his shoulders and faces him. "Tell me.." he asks in a strict tone. "I'm not getting a good feeling. Something is wrong. Idk why." Nevan says facing him. "Don't worry, I'm with you. Nothing will go wrong." Adrian says and smiles. Nevan smiles and they both go to his house.

They both are standing in front of the house and Nevan takes a huge breath. They enter the house and finds that nevan's mom is pale and her face is barely recognisable. Her body is skinny, her cheeks are pale, she's having deep cuts here and there on her face and hands, her eyes are lifeless, she has dark circles under her lifeless eyes. Jessica looks at Nevan slowly and blinks. "N-Nevan?" She asks looking at him with teary eyes. She comes near him but Nevan sees that her steps are falter and weak. She hugs Nevan with her skinny hands and cries hard. "I really was worried about you Nevan, where have you been? I-I was so scared if something happened to you, I would've not forgiven myself." Saying this she cries harder in his arms. "I-I'm sorry mom, I'm really sorry." Nevan says crying hard in her arms. They break the hug and look at each other. "He really behaved harsh on you didn't he?" Nevan asks looking at her. "he just..." Her voice cracks and she looks down. "Don't worry mom..I'm here." Nevan says patting her shoulders. "Btw mom, meet my boyfriend, Adrian." Nevan introduces wiping off a tear from his eyes. She is about to say anything when a deep voice cuts them off. "Boyfriend?! You did a mistake didn't you?! Get him out right now, or else I will kill him." Stefan says boldly. Nevan panicked and takes Adrian's hands and pushes him harshly outside the house and locks the main door. "Nevan!! Nevan open the door! You can't do this to me!!" Adrian shouts banging at the door.

⚠️Harsh treatments here. You can skip if you like. If you are strong enough to see, go ahead.⚠️

"Ohh, he loves you so much, doesn't he?" Stefan says boldly. "Dad, dad please, I made him go away. Don't do anything, please." Nevan begs to him. But Stefan doesn't listen. He slaps Nevan hard on his face and nevan falls down holding his stinging cheek. A tear falls down his cheeks. Stefan grabs his hair and jerks him backwards, kicking him harshly. Stefan pins him to the wall and punches Nevan hard until his face turns bloody. Nevan cries harder and next Stefan kicks him hard in nevan's legs, making him fall down again. Nevan curls up holding his hurting knee and cries. Stefan comes near him with a knife and grabs nevan's face. "You piss me off boy..." Stefan says coming closer to him. He takes the knife near nevan's forehead and waits. "You deserve a punishment don't you.?" He says. "D-dad p-please.." Nevan stutters. "Shut up!" Stefan shouts and runs the knife at nevan's forehead. He presses it hard making a deep cut on nevan's forehead making it bleed. Nevan screams in extreme pain and cries harder. Blood falls on his cheeks and also drips on the carpeted floor. "Oh how I missed your screams Nevan." Nevan is crying harder while he curls up. Next Stefan grabs nevan's shirt and makes a deep cut on his left arm, making Nevan scream again. Stefan sighs and wipes off sweat with his bloody hand. Nevan looses himself and from the wounds. "I'm going to kill you!!" Stefan comes closer, and picks him up harshly. He is about to stab him when...

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