★ ~ • Chapter -7 • ~ ★

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Nevan's POV:

I wake up late as it's Sunday today. I go down to get some breakfast. As I go down I saw my mom making some omelet and some other breakfast. I go to her and wrap my hand around her shoulders. As I gave her a warm hug, she smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I rarely get this behaviour from her as she always stays silent. "Come on love, have your breakfast. And enjoy as it's Sunday today." She said with a smile. "Umm mom, where's dad?" Her smile became a frown and then she said "he's in the bar nearby.. he'll be back at midnight." She said with her frowned face. "Ohk mom. I'll eat the breakfast and I'll be upstairs in my room. Call me if you need anything. Okay?" I said to her with a smile. "Okay, dear, I'll call you if I need anything."

Saying that I took my breakfast and went upstairs to my room.

*After few hours*

"Nevan! Son come down.." I hear my mom calling me. I open my room door and go downstairs. "Yes mom?" I ask. "Honey, we need some groceries for our home. So I'm giving you the money, u bring all the groceries as written in the list. Okay?" I took the list and the money as well. "Okay mom. I will" " be careful honey, it's evening already. Come home safe. " She said. "Ok mom, I will." I grab my stuff and start leaving the house. I walk to the store in the evening breeze and start grabbing the stuff on the list. After I get all the stuff for the daily uses, I go to the counter to pay for all this materials. I pay for the materials , thank the lady on the counter and leave the store.

I'm walking on my way home, when I feel that someone is watching me from behind. I ignore that feeling and walk faster. I still feel someone is now literally walking behind me. As I turn around to see who it is, a punch comes on my face. It starts to hurt a lot as other 2 people drags me into the dark alley nearby. "let me go!!!" I shout but they keep dragging me till I'm in a silent area. "Someone help!!" I keep shouting. "Can you shut the fuck up?!!" One of them shouts. "Give all you have, money? Anything?" "No, I don't have anything, please let me go!!!" "You're lying!!" As he says that, I feel pain in my legs as that man kicks me harshly. I fall down clutching my hurt leg. "Please stop..." I say. They punch me hard on the face this time and my nose starts bleeding badly. They kick me on my stomach until I curl up towards the ground grabbing my stomach. "S-stop!" I say. Next they take a cutter and make several cuts on my hands and face. I scream in pain. I cry harder and harder. After all I loose hope and close my teary eyes. They still keep kicking me till I cough blood out. I open my hazy eyes until I see someone fighting with those group of boys. I try keeping my eyes open, but due to these hurtful wounds and injuries, I start to feel dizzy. Until I blacken out. And everything goes dark...

Adrian's POV:

I was walking down the street near the super Store, with my headphones on. I was humming the music along and I came near the store. I decided to grab some granola bars and a chocolate as well. As I was moving near the entrance, I hear someone shouting for help. "Somebody help!!" A voice shouts from the dark alley. I silently enter the dark alley and see some group of boys messing around with another boy who was now curled up down on the ground. I go near them and before I could do anything, they took a cutter and made several cuts on that poor boys face and hands. "You filthy assholes!!!" I shouted. I ran towards those boys and started giving them hard punches on the face. "Run...run..." They all began shouting as they ran away from me. I sighed heavily and saw that poor boy was unconscious now and was barely breathing. I hold him up in a bridal style and come out of the dark alley. As his face hits the light, I get frozen on the spot as I see that it's none other than Nevan who was getting beaten up by those assholes. I suddenly teared up a bit looking at his condition like this. "Why am I tearing up for no reason?! He's going to be alright, he'll be alright Adrian, don't worry." I tell myself and I decide to take him to my house.

*At Adrian's house*

I come at my entrance of my apartment and ring the bell. I still have Nevan in my hands who is still laying unconscious in my hands. My mom opens the door and gaspes looking at Nevan. "Oh my god, Adrian!!! What happened? Who is he?! "Are you alright?!" She kept asking me questions. "Mom..mom calm down. I'm okay and he's one of my classmate. I'll explain you everything later okay?" I say as I enter my house and start going towards my room with Nevan.

*At Adrian's room*

I lay Nevan down on my bed softly and notice all his wounds. His face is all covered in blood and is rarely recognisable, his arms has severe cuts on it, his neck is bruised badly, and he's just so messed up. My mom suddenly comes into my room and stares at Nevan. I see her as she starts tearing up. "Mom..mom..shhh. it's alright. He will be okay. I'll take care of him." "Honey, you really are so lovely." She says as she wipes the tears away. "Mom, could you bring a towel and bowl filled with cold water to clean him up?" I ask her. "Off course honey, just wait okay? I'll be back." She says as she starts going down to get the stuff. I sigh and wait for mom to come. After few minutes, she comes with a towel and a bowl with cold water in it. "Here you go son. Clean him up and also change his clothes. His clothes have gone dirty so. ". "Ok, thanks mom." I say with a smile. "Anytime honey. Just tell me if you need anything okay? I'm just downstairs. And yeah after you clean him up, give him some medicines and then come downstairs, I'll make you some pancakes." She says with a warm smile. "Ok mom." I say as she then leaves the room leaving me and Nevan alone.

I take the towel and soak it in the water to clean all the blood from his body. After I clean him up, I go towards my closet to get him a new pair of clothes to wear. I get a t-shirt and a pajama for him to wear. "Now I have to change his clothes." I thought. "Come on Adrian, you can do it." I take a deep breath as I start unbottening his red stained shirt. After I take off the shirt, I see some terrible bruises on his stomach. I sigh thinking that how much pain this angel has to go through. Now he's shirtless and left is his pants. I take a deep deep breath and start unzipping his pant. "Okay, what I'll be doing is, as I remove his pant, I will cover the blanket on his body. But damn...I have to make him wear the pajama. Shit." I mentally cursed. I take off his pants and put on the pajama on him. "Ahha finally. One step done." Now I put on the fresh t-shirt on him and sigh as he is now completely cleaned. "Damn. I forgot to give him the medicines." I take some pills and a glass of water. I give him his pills and I tuck him in the blanket and shut off the lights. And I go downstairs to meet my mom.

"Hi honey. Did u clean him up well?" My mom asked me as she shifted her eyes towards me from the TV. "Yes mom, I did." "Btw, what happened to him that he literally was in this messed up condition?" She asks. I sigh and explain her the whole situation. "Those freaky assholes, how dare they.!!" She said as she became a bit angry on those group of boys. "Well, I made pancakes for you, it's on the platform, have it ." I got up from the couch and went to kitchen.

"Good night mom." I said yawning to my mom. "Good night love. Sleep well." Mom says from downstairs. As I enter my room, I see Nevan still laying without any movement on the bed. I sigh and rest my body on my bed, next to Nevan. I look at him for a while. "I hope to see you awake soon, baby." I say it to Nevan in a whisper. And go to sleep after.


Author park here,

How have you been lovies? Hope you all are fine. Let me know in the comment section about this chapter. And stay tuned for next chapter as well.

See y'all

~Soulmate~ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora