As I walked down the stairs I saw my dad standing in the front doorway giving Jake the death stare again. I went on my tiptoes and pecked him on the cheek, then walked past Jake without a word.

He jogged to catch up beside me, then looked at me with a smile, then back up in front of him.

My dad watched us walk until we were out of sight, then went back inside. I know he was trying to protect me, but as I said, he raised a badass.

"Where are we going?" I asked, not looking at him, but I could feel his eyes on me.

"A diner for lunch." He said with a smile.

"Kinda basic." I said trying my best to get under his skin, "you couldn't have set up a picnic on the beach or something?" I crossed my arms.

"I mean, I just got here this morning." He said trying to not catch a temper. "Cut me some slack. I'm trying to make things right with you."

I stopped right where I was, then waited until he stopped to turn back and look at me.

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe I don't want things to be right between us?" I yelled.

He took a deep breath. I could tell he was trying his best to not lose his temper.

"I'm sorry." He said quietly, "just please, let's go." He nodded his head towards the direction of the bakery.

I sighed then continued to walk beside him.

When we got to the diner. I looked up at the sign and read "Normas Diner" then looked back down to see Jake holding the door open for me. I stared at him for a moment, then walked to the booth in the farthest corner.

After sitting there in silence while looking at the menu for five minutes, a tall blonde girl who looked about sixteen walked up to us. She had a pen behind her ear and her hair was in a long ponytail. I'm not gonna lie, she was very pretty, but I paid no attention to that. I was just focused on getting this date over with.

"What can I get you two love birds today?" She said taking the pen out from behind her ear and letting it hover in her hand above a notepad.

"We're not love birds." I said with no expression on my face, still staring at the menu.

"Alright then, what can I get you... two." She said focusing her attention on Jake.

"I'll have the Western omelet with a side of mashed potatoes." He said, then smiled up at her.

She wrote it down on her notepad then turned her attention back to me again.

"And for you ma'am?" He said as politely as possible.

"I'll just have the Grilled cheese." I paused, then added, "and a large Chocolate milkshake."

He wrote my order down as she did for Jake, then gave us both a friendly smile and walked back into the kitchen.

"A large?" He said with a smile then winked at me.

"Not for us to share dip shit." I rolled my eyes, "I just love their milkshakes." I lied.

His smile quickly disappeared.

I had never been here before. It was very vintage. It would be a cute place to take pictures with your friends or something.

As I was trying my best to look anywhere but at Jake, he decided to start a conversation.

"You know I hate what I did to you."

My head shot over to him and finally, our eyes locked. Mine were full of rage and confusion, while his were full of sadness.

"I hate myself more and more every day." He put his head in the palms of his hands, then looked back up at me. "I had my dream girl, and I fucked it up."

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