chapter 25 - catharsis

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"What does this mean?" George pulled up his jeans, buttoning them quickly. Katerina adjusted her skirt.

"Nothing." Katerina stared at the ground as she clipped her bra effortlessly.

George leaned against the small table. Katerina's back faced him.

"It has to mean something." George said softly.

Katerina cleared her throat.

"It was a mistake, George." Katerina replied. Katerina picked up George's shirt. She handed it to him quickly.

"Was it?" George's hand touched Katerina's softly as he grabbed the shirt.

"What do you want me to say?" Katerina exhaled deeply.

"I don't know, Kathy." George looked down.

"Well what do you want from me?" Katerina shrugged. "Do you want me to tell you I love you? Is that what you want?" Katerina waited for an answer.

"I just want you." George whispered.

"Tch." Katerina scoffed. "You had me, George." She sighed quietly. "And you left."

George inhaled deeply.

"It broke me to leave you." George admitted.

"Yet, you did it anyway." Katerina replied. "You left me." Katerina's voice was shaky. "I'm finally moving on and finally beginning to sorta become happy with my life... then you come back and you... you tell me you're in love with me."

"I am." George put his shirt on quickly. "And I'd tell you over and over again until you believe me."

"I won't believe you." Katerina crossed her arms.

"From day one I knew that I would fall in love with you." George spoke, "I didn't know how or when but I knew."

Katerina exhaled deeply, biting her lip to stop the tears that were begging to be released.

"And I don't expect you to give me another chance. I don't expect you to forgive me." George shrugged. "I love you Katerina. I just can't stop saying it." George chuckled softly.

"I want to tell you that I love you all the time. From the moment we wake up to when we sleep. I want to say it for the rest of my life. I know that sounds crazy, believe me I know, but I've never felt this way about anyone. Not with Victoria or any other person. I was afraid to lose you so I pushed you away. And that's no excuse, I just... I'm afraid I'll love you forever." George exhaled deeply, looking into Katerina's soft eyes.

"But if you don't feel the same I understand." George nodded. "And I won't force you too."

Katerina blinked, looking away.

Of course she felt the same way but it wasn't that simple.

"I'm sorry, George." Katerina said softly.

George bit his tongue as he nodded.

"Don't apologize." George forced himself to smile. "It's alright."

George's chest felt empty as he watched Katerina walk out of the room.

As she closed the door, George exhaled deeply.

The air seemed to disappear as tears formed in his eyes. George grabbed his hair in frustration.

He quickly leaned against the wall for support.

George slammed his fist against the wall. And without realizing began to punch the wall repeatedly as he cried.

One punch after the other caused his hands to become irritated and red but he didn't stop.

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