chapter 14 - the end

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the end

The sun shined into Katerina's room. Katerina's eyes fluttered open. For a split moment, Katerina had forgotten what had happened yesterday.

Katerina shut her eyes as the memories flashed in her eyes. Katerina felt the cold hard ground underneath her face. She had not moved.

The door opened and closed. The foot steps moved closer to her.

"I got this." A voice spoke.

Fred Weasley popped down, laying beside her. Fred looked at Katerina worried. Never has he seen her like this.

Fred smiled looking into Katerina's empty eyes.

"How you feeling, Bennett?" Fred moved the hair out of her face. Katerina's eyes filled with tears as she saw Fred. She never wanted him to see her this way, especially since he'll never let her live this down. "It's okay." Fred nodded. Tears fell down Katerina's cheek, hitting the floor.

"Go away." Katerina shivered. "Please."

"Wow, you're really kicking me out? I'm trying to be here for you, Kathy." Fred made a face making Katerina laugh.

"I don't want you to see me this way." Katerina's voice broke,

"What way? I'm always gonna see the best and worst of you. You can't get rid of me." Fred wiped the tear off her cheek.

"I hate you." Katerina laughed through her tears.

"Yeah yeah." Fred smiled. "Let's get you off this floor." Fred stood up and grabbed Katerina, picking her up. Fred carried Katerina bridal style.

"I can go to my bed myself." Katerina smiled through her tears,

"Accept my kindness and stop being difficult." Fred smiled carrying her to the bed. Fred tucked Katerina in, sitting beside her. "So, you wanna talk about it?"

"There's nothing to talk about." Katerina replied.

"My brother will come around." Fred straightened his lips,

"I'm not sure if I want him to." Katerina sighed, "I love him, Fred."

"I know you do. George is holding onto something that isn't going to work out because he's afraid." Fred held Katerina's hand.

"Afraid of what?" Katerina scoffed.

"He's afraid of you." Fred smiled, "George fell for you instantly. Faster than he ever has for a girl. You were the one that fixed him and he's terrified of letting anyone in after Victoria and with you he couldn't hide. He let you in  unknowingly and once he realized it, he pulled himself away. I'm not telling you this so that you eventually forgive him or to make excuses for his decision. I'm telling you so that you understand that you weren't just some girl. You're special." Fred smiled.

"If that were true we both wouldn't be here." Katerina looked away.

"Well are you ready for tonight?" Katerina covered her face,

"Oh god. I completely forgot about the ball." Katerina's face softened as the realization hit her, "I don't have anyone to go with."

"Kathy..." Fred began to say.

"It's fine I just won't go." Katerina shrugged.

"You have to go, as a triwizard champion." Fred teased her, "I'll take you."

"You're taking Angelina. It's fine. I'll tell McGonagal-"

A knock was heard on the door. Katerina looked at Fred.

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