chapter 15 - the yule ball pt. 1

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the yule ball | part 1

George sat on his bed, looking straight into the ground. Fred walked out of the shower, wearing nothing but a towel around his torso.

"What's the matter with you?" Fred said as he walked past George.

"What do you mean?" George's head snapped up, looking at his brother.

"Getting back with that slag." Fred's hair was soaked, causing droplets of water to fall down his back. George turned back ignoring his brother.

"I don't wanna talk about it." George muttered, looking back at the floor. Fred rolled his eyes, ripping the towel off.

"You're a fucking wanker." Fred began changing.

"I don't remember asking for your input." George sighed.

"Well, you fucking need it. She didn't deserve that." Fred snapped,

"I know that." George furrowed his eyebrows, "More than you think." Fred scoffed.

"Whatever." Fred pulled up his pants. Fred huffed as he did trying to control his anger.

"So, you're taking Katerina to the dance?" Fred turned to face George,

"Yeah, what about it?" Fred buttoned his pants.

"Just make sure she has fun, okay?" George said quietly looking down. Fred noticed his brother's energy.

"I was planning on it." Fred grabbed his white button up shirt. George hated when Fred was angry with him.

"Fred, I never meant to hurt her." George confessed. Fred looked up,

"You can keep telling yourself that." Fred grunted,

"Why are you angry? I understand why she would be, but you?" George stood up as he pleaded.

"You want to know why I am angry?" Fred scolded, "I am angry because for once in your life you had something good and you threw it away. You gave up and for what? For her?!" Fred raised his voice, "Katerina.. she.. she never deserved you to begin with."

"Why are you all of a sudden caring about how she feels? You hardly know her." George reminded,

"You wouldn't know because the past few weeks I was there for her. Not you. Me. She had no one else to talk to. I was the one who told her to try harder. Now look at her. You ruined her just like Victoria ruined you. I just don't understand how you can want to be with someone who fucked your best friend." Fred argued.

"You don't think I know that. For as long as Victoria is here, I will not be able to love Katerina the way she deserves. I care about her, despite what you think. She wasn't just some girl, Fred. She meant so much more than that!" George defended.

"And yet, you still chose Victoria." Fred shook his head in disappointment.

"What would you rather have me do? Stay with Katerina, regretting it if I did still love Victoria?Hurting Katerina even more in the process? I wasn't going to do that to her." George glared at his brother.

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