Chp.51 Highway Star Pt.2

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As we left off, (YN) was riding on the motorcycle as Josie was hiding on behind him, as they head over town to look for the user of Highway Star and take the user down for good. The two notice that Highway Star has already got a scent out from them, if they get caught from the stand, their nutrient will be sucked and will lose strength and energy and currently die...

(YN): Damn it! We got a problem!

Josie: What is it?!

(YN): If we're looking for the user of that stand, then how the hell should we know where he's located at??!

Josie: Crap! Now that you mention it...oh wait! I have an idea! What if I call Koichi on the phone to help us out! He can use Echoes to fly up there and look for the enemy!

(YN): That sounds like a good idea! We can use the phone booth to call him! Hold on, there's one near at the station!

And so, (YN) with 90 km/hour speed heads over the station as they make a quick stop, and use the phone booth to call at Koichi's house...

Josie: Okay! I'll use my card to call Koichi and-

Suddenly, they notice Highway Star appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the road...

Josie: What the!?! They just appeared out of nowhere!?! We were sure we were at 80km/h of speed and then now we were at 60km/h of speed! It's simple of math!

(YN): It's not that! It should have taken them like 3 minutes to get to us, but the bad thing is that they know ours scents! That's why they appeared out of no where!

The footprints pointed at them, knowing well that they have found them...

Josie: Shit! Shit! Step on it (YN)!

(YN) steps on the gas as he continues to get as far away from Highway Star, but it keeps coming due of them going 60km/h.

Josie: Great! Now how are we gonna call Koichi?!

(YN): Hmmm....I got it! Josie, there's a guy with a phone in his hands! Once I'm near it, quickly snatch it out from his hands! It's the only way to call for Koichi!

Josie: O-Okay!

And so, (YN) rides near the sidewalk as Josie gets ready to snatch a phone out from a person, and so she did.

Josie: Got it! I'm gonna call Koichi!

As Josie was dialing for Koichi's number, meanwhile at Koichi's house, he was having trouble trying to get his dog, Police, out for a walk due to him being so lazy...

Koichi: Oh come on Police! You have to walk at least.

Koichi then hears his house phone ringing as he picks it up...

Koichi: Hello. Koichi Residence.

Josie: Koichi! It's me Josie!

Koichi can tell by the voice that Josie was in trouble. So Josie told everything to Koichi that was happening about the enemy stand, Highway Star...knowing that the stand has to do with the user being in the tunnel and living there for some Koichi starts to investigate on the newspaper as he found something about it...

Koichi: Here! On the newspaper, something that happen two days ago. I even saw the news yesterday. Some thug on a motorcycle was drunk driving and crashed into the tunnel's entrance. That person who crash is John Doe, he was unconscious and in critical condition with injuries all over his body. He's undergoing intensive care at Budogaoka Hospital now!

Josie Higashikata x Male ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat