Chp.13 The Mysterious Creature/New Enemy Stand

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After Keicho's defeat, Josie, (YN) and Koichi were finally had a chance to leave this house, but Koichi didn't wanna leave yet, he wants to know where the bow and arrow is so he can take it and turn it in to Jocelyn...and so, the three head upstairs to look for the bow and arrow that Keicho left...

Koichi: They have an attic too. Maybe it's here somewhere, look a door open, maybe it's inside.

The three walked close to the room as Koichi caught a glimpse of the bow and arrow, hanging on the wall...

Koichi: It's right there! The bow and arrow!

???: aaaaaaargh....

Koichi: Wh-What was that noise!?

Josie: Hey, I think it's a bad idea, there's something inside the room.

They heard noises inside the room, especially a chain being dragged on the floor...

(YN): Looks like something is chained up too. But what?

Koichi: Y-You think it's a dog?

(YN): Of course not. What dog can make weird noise like that??

Josie: Okay, scared or not we're still doing this. Listen Koichi, You're gonna kick the door as hard as you can on the count of three, while me and (YN) scares it away, got it?

Koichi: R-Right!

The three get in positions...

Josie: One...two...

(YN): Three!!

Koichi then tries to kick the door open, until a hand, a smile, nasty scary hand appeared and grabs Koichi from his leg and started dragging him....

Koichi: HELP!!!

(YN)/Josie: Koichi!!!

(YN) and Josie were holding on Koichi, pulling him towards them from something that was grabbing him...

(YN): Just what the hell is that?!? Shit looks real! It's a real body!

Koichi: Help me for heavens sake!

Josie: I got you! *summons Crazy Diamond* DORA!!!

Crazy Diamond punches the ugly slime hand, as it ended up being chopped off, as the creature then runs to the corner...

Josie: I-I didn't mean to chop it off...

The three notice the creature at the corner, it was wearing clothes, and his hand being chop off as well, but knowing it was chopped off, the creature seem like it was regenerating another hand...

Josie: What the!? It regenerate another hand!

The slimy creature suddenly turns around as it started walking towards them, the light hit him as he reveals its face, all smiles up, his body too, given the fact he has bumps too, and seemed like he was some creature at the swamp...the creature quickly grabbed its hand that was chopped off, runs back to the corner and starts eatin it...

Josie: Wh-What the hell is that thing anyways!?

(YN): I can't believe this thing is been living here near our houses under our noses!

Koichi: Bleh...

Keicho: L-Looks like you finally saw the thing you weren't suppose to see...

The three notice Keicho appearing here as well, all wounded after the fight...

Josie Higashikata x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now