Chp.18 End Of Toshikazu Hazamada Pt.2

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As we left off, Both Josie and Koichi were badly injured by Hazamada and his stand, Surface, and Hazamada was on his way to make a call with Jocelyn at the Moetk she's at alongside with the Fake Josie with him due to his stand's power, as they two left, Josie then got up as she then heals her wounds from her cheek as she goes to check on Koichi, who he's still lay hurt...

Josie: Koichi!

Koichi: J-Josie...a-are you okay??

Josie: Thanks for your help, but man you've got some guts dude. Even though your badly wounded, you manage to trick him with your stand.

Koichi: H-Hehe, what are you talking about? That's cause as soon as I got hit, you fixed my broken bones with Crazy Diamond...

Josie: Yeah, I know heh.

Koichi: Hehe, you know, I'd really appreciate if you could fix my wounds right about now..

Josie: Right.

And so, Josie uses Crazy Diamond to heal up Koichi's wounds. After that, the two head out of school to look for Hazamada before he gets to Jocelyn with Fake Josie on his side...but suddenly, inside the hallways of the school, there was a beautiful young girl with a light blue uniform skirt walking down the hallway as she notices not only Josie, but more importantly noticing Koichi as well, she blushes as she places her hand towards her chest, as if she seems like she likes Koichi...meanwhile, Josie and Koichi arrive at a phone booth to make a call at the grand hotel to call for Jocelyn, Josie had trouble making a call, knowing that Jocelyn was being occupied from being called from someone else...Josie waited as she finally get to get a call from Jocelyn, but it seem like she isn't picking up the phone...

Josie: Shit! She isn't picking up!

Koichi: That means she must've left already! Hazamada must have lured her somewhere to meet up!

Josie: Damn it! Which means we have to go after the copy of his stand!

And So, Josie and Koichi both made a run for to go and looo for Hazamada and the fake Josie copy of herself to stop them before even meeting up with Jocelyn. Meanwhile, Tamami was walking down the sidewalk as he noticed Josie...

Tamami: Oh Josie! Say, got out early? Where's Master Koichi by the way?

But not only he met up with Josie, the Josie he met up was the fake one, and behind her was Hazamada as Tamami notices..

Tamami: H-Hazamada!? What are you doing here??!

Hazamada: Tamami Koboyashi? ...*grins*

Fake Josie: You don't know why we're together?

Tamami: N-No idea...why??

Fake Josie: Hehe. No idea at all?

Tamami: W-What's going on here?!? And where's-

Suddenly, Fake Josie grabbed a brick and hits Tamami, busting his head and causing a lot a blood to come out, knocking him out as well, as she then hides his body behind the hushes where no one can see him...

Hazamada: Good. Now, let's get going.

The two continue walking away as they leave Tamami's body hidden behind the bushes.


Later on, in the Morioh City, Hazamada and Fake Josie where walking down to meet up with Jocelyn in 10 minutes, soon to pass by a lot of school boys, that were so simping at Josie right now...

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