Chp.36 The Mysterious Blonde Man/Reimi Sugimoto Pt.2

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As we left off, Rohan, (YN) and Koichi were running from their lives as they try to escape the road from Reimi and Arnold, known as ghosts, as they run for their lives, every turn they give, they end up at the same spot over and over again...

Rohan: It's no use!

(YN): Every Damn turn we give we end up at the same spot from before! Koichi, use Echoes to fly us up to get the hell out of here!

Koichi: O-Okay! Let's see if I'm able to fly up directly this time! Echoes Act 1!

Echoes was summoned as he this tries to file directly to the sky, but suddenly this time, he manage to get hit with a wall...

Koichi: Wha-!?! Now all of the sudden there's a wall in the sky now!

Rohan: K-Koichi! It's not that!

(YN): Echoes is upside down!

Koichi takes that him and Echoes were upside down rather than having Echoes up in the air as the two fall down to the floor...

Rohan: You were the one who went flying up in the air, not Echoes!

Reimi: There's only one way to get out of this place, and I only know where's the exit.

Rohan: H-How are we suppose to fight a ghost!?

Koichi: Please don't possess us!!

Reimi: Eh?! Now hold on a sec, stop treating me like some vengeful spirit. What have I even done to you three, and you three haven't done nothing to me! You guys were the ones that ran away on your own! Besides, I'm not the one who trapped you three here, this is the border between the world and the next. Say, if I may ask, you three have some strange powers no? You guys have "Stand's"? I wonder if that's how you guys ended up here.

Rohan: So, you're not an enemy after all?

Reimi: Geez, you really don't trust people, don't you? Look, you may not only see me as a ghost, see me as a bound spirit ghost. I became a ghost that can't leave here. For 15 years, I've tried to speak to various people who ended up here, cause I need to tell them about someone. But you three are the first people I've get to talk to this long. I told you guys I'd tell you how to get out of here, and that's what I'm going to do, After I finish my story...

(YN): Story? You mean the one from earlier?

Reimi: That's right. You see, right before I saw the murders face, I was stabbed in the back with a knife. It was late night, and dark and I was desperately running away from him, but the murder hasn't been caught yet....he's still here in Morioh somewhere.

Rohan/Koichi: What?!?

(YN): He's still here?! But why haven't we heard about him?!

Reimi: I don't know, but I'm highly positive he's still here in Morioh, that's why I wanted to tell someone about him. He is still blended in this town.

Rohan: Hold on, are you telling us because...

Reimi: I'm not saying to catch the murder and take him down. I just need you guys to tell someone...someone who can catch him, like the police officers...

(YN): Wait hold on a sec. Why should we have to do something like that??

Koichi: (YN)!

(YN): Don't worry Koichi, I'm just wanting a rational answer. Look Reimi, I do feel bad for your death, we all are...but why should we have to find the murder just cause of your personal grudge and suffering?

Josie Higashikata x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now