Chp.17 Toshikazu Hazamada: Surface Pt.1

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Days has pass, and seem to be going good...until rumors were heard that a student injured one of his friend at his own house, and Tamami, knows who is responsible for it, before school starts, Josie, (YN) and Koichi got caught up with Tamami as he told him about who was responsible for the teenager's accident...and not only that, Tamami mention that there are more stand users than just them and Okuyasa and Tamami and Jocelyn...

Josie: Seriously?! There's more than us who are also stand users?!

Tamami: Yeah, and about that case. Heres a picture of the one who can be responsible for it. *shows picture*

Koichi: Oh my.

(YN): What a weird looking kid.

Tamami: You can say that. He's Toshikazu Hazamada, a student in class 3-C. This kid apparently got into an argument over something stupid with a friend right around the start of spring. One of them had insulted the others favorite idol or anime or something I don't know what the fuck. But surprisingly, the friend he got into an argument gouged out his own left eye with a mechanical pencil.

Josie: Holy shit!

Koichi: Oh Geez!

(YN): Damn.

Tamami: Insane right? Apparently Hazamada's friend said this in the hospital: "Next thing I knew, my eye gouged out and I was starting at it, with my other eye"

Koichi: O-Oh man! What a sick person!

Josie: So you're saying that this guy gouged out his left eye using some kind of stand?

Tamami: Could be, or maybe not. You see, normal people can't see Stands.

(YN): Hmmm... something about this is really fishy.

Tamami: Hey now! You got no right to criticize me. I've got myself a new job already!

Koichi: Y-You got a job already?

Tamami: But of course Master Koichi! I found myself a little job that involves financing.

Koichi: ...Please don't tell me you became a loan shark, do you?

Tamami: Hehe. You can say it like that.

Josie: Still, we can't just ignore this.

(YN): Right, I say we should go and look for this kid.

(YN) and Josie both leave to go find Hazamada as Koichi wanted to join too...

Tamami: Hey, hold up Master Koichi! You're going with them as well? Let them do it.

Koichi: I have to go with them. I have to help to. Something tells me that our city is filled with problems. If Morioh City is in danger, that means my parents, my sister, and everyone else here that is important to us will have to face that danger. So even it's scary and dangerous, I gotta do something about it.

Koichi goes running with Josie and (YN) to help...

Tamami: *sniffs* O-Oh man.That was the most tough thing to say. Nothing less from a man I've chosen to admire. But...I'll be heading home then, be safe Master Koichi!

And so, Koichi, (YN) and Josie started looking for the Hazamada kid in the school, they checked every classroom to see if he is in one of them, but isn't, they have checked all of them, and no sign of him...

Koichi: That's the whole class we checked.

(YN): And we didn't even found him.

Josie: But of this Hazamada guy really did gouge his friend's eye out, and still blend into normal school life...He is one creepy guy.

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