Chp.23 Encounter Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.1

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(Note: I'm skipping the whole Tonio Trussaardi and get right to the real deal...yeah I know)

After the whole Yukako Yamagishi incident, there was no sign of her for some reason, and that's good, for Koichi as well...for now, Koichi can relax and focus on his school work, thanks to his friends...later, it was night time, At Josie's House, she was done playing her video game as she needs to get some homework done, as soon she turns off the TV, suddenly it somehow turned on itself...

Josie: Huh?? That's weird. I'm pretty sure I turned it off. Come on now, turn off.

She tried turning the TV off again with the remote, but seems like it's not turning off...until...she heard a voice...

???: It would seem that Jocelyn Kujo refuses to leave this town. And I even warned him to leave and still refuses, and there has to be a reason why. Right, Josie Higashikata?

Josie: What??!

The voice somehow was coming from the TV...and suddenly, a glowing figure appeared from the TV and then quickly merge out from it, revealing itself as a spirit bold alike...

and suddenly, a glowing figure appeared from the TV and then quickly merge out from it, revealing itself as a spirit bold alike

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Josie: Hey! I know you! You're Chili Pepper!! The hell are you doing here?!

Chili Pepper: Not the brightest bulb are you? Clearly you'd be know that I've been popping out here for a while.

Josie: Asshole! So you've been keeping tabs on me this entire time?!

Chili Pepper: Heheh! One of my other hotspots is the house belonging to Okuyasa. The brother of that fool I killed. And I'm also aware of that school girl, Yukako Yamagishi and Koichi's Echoes. And Knowing that Hazamada and Tamami are in the hospital right? Oh and I won't forget that (YN) kid as well, I heard his stand, Cinder is much more menacing and powerful alike Jocelyn's, but that doesn't scare me at all.

Josie: Now hold on a sec. None of of this is making sense at all. What I'm seeing your nothing but a conniving bird brain coward, what reason you have to just appear in my house, ready to take me down dare and square. Surely you do realize you don't have enough strength to mess me up.

Chili Pepper: Me mess you up? No, nothing is so faul on this Bird. You're death will be a humane one.

Josie: Like I thought. You're nothing but a bitchass coward one. Crappy sense of humor as well. *Summons Crazy Diamond*

Chili Pepper: Hahaha. Full disclosure, I'm already told that Jocelyn's Star Platinum poses a great threat to me as well, it's vigilance is annoyingly step pass. And it's time stopping ability if formidable. So, the only course of action left is me to completely designate her in a head to head fight. But before I do fight Jocelyn, I want to test my abilities against you, Josie Higashikata. Why don't you come a little closer? Don't worry, I don't bite. All I'm asking you to do is give me a punch. If you can actually punch-

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