Chp.25 Enter Akira Otoishi/Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.3

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At the very docks near the ocean, Jocelyn quickly summons Star Platinum and uses its eye sight to check on the boat...and luckily it's coming right on time by the looks of it...

Jocleyn: *Sighs* Oh good. The old hag's ship is right on signal. He'll be here in 20 minutes.

Suddenly, Josie, Koichi and Okuyasa arrived as they were running out of breathe from running over here...

Jocleyn: Oh, you three arrive just in time.

Josie: Just in time?! We had to run cause you were running as well!

Koichi: Yeah, and it seemed like you were in some kind of rush Ms.Jocleyn, is everything okay?

Jocleyn stood quiet as she turns around and says...

Jocleyn: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just...worried.

Okuyasa: Worried? About what?

Josie: I mean what's to be worried about? I mean we did arrive in time right before Chili Pepper, and Mrs.Joestar will arrive soon enough. What else is to worry about? I mean, he is with the SpeedWagon Foundation workers right?

Jocleyn: Yeah, you're right on that. But...there's someone with him as well, someone who I need to make sure she's not hurt and safe when she arrive with the old hag.

Koichi: Wait, She? So you're referring to someone who's a female?

Jocelyn: Not just any's a girl. And that my daughter.

Josie/Okuyasa/Koichi: Daughter!?!?

Josie: Wait so your telling me your daughter is coming as well!?

Koichi: So she's with Msr.Josephine as well??

Jocleyn: Yes, her name is Jolyne Cujoh, she's 8 years old. She never get to see me since I came here to Morioh, so I decided to tell my Grandpa to let her come with the old hag.

Okuyasa: Uuuhhhh...

Josie: Oh right! You don't know about this Okuyasa, but Jocleyn has a daughter too.

Okuyasa: Oh man! That was unexpected. Never thought about it

Jocelyn: Yeah, but I'm sure that Chili Pepper won't be able to cross to the ocean and get to the boat. But still, i have to stay here and make sure Chili Pepper doesn't get near her nor my daughter. Okay, Josie, Okuyasa, check that boat over there to see if anything strange is in it.

Josie/Okuyasa: Right.

The two then walk down the little bridge to check on the boat, and the battery of it as well to make sure Chili Pepper isn't hiding...

Okuyasa: Everything seems to be fine Ms.Jocleyn.

Josie: Looks good to me. Just say the word and we'll get going.

Jocelyn: Yeah about that, only me and Okuyasa will head over to the boat, you and Koichi will stay here. And hold on the forth with him.

Koichi: Stay here?? But you'll need backup, won't you?

Jocelyn: Not really. Chili Pepper's user may still be hiding here somewhere and tries to sneak attack once we arrive. He may be laying low right now, and ready for it. And besides, it's weird the fact (YN) isn't here yet still, wonder what's going on. All he needs to get over to the boat is a battery or a speeding boat like that one. Understand?

Josie: Right. Besides, this is Joseph we're talking about. A man we need to save and protect alongside you daughter!

Koichi: Yeah!

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