Chp.30 The Tragic Backstory

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-(YN)'s POV-


It was 2 years ago...i was 16 years old...I was still struggling school, knowing that I still missed my family after what Angelo did to them...and living with my auntie, my dad's sister, she's always there for me no matter what, she cared for me as well...but she couldn't do anything about making forgetting about my parents death, to move on...but nothing she does to help me move on works...until one day...when I got out of school, I head over to the café shop and try to do my homework, where I always do, I've been struggling still and didn't even try...until they came...three friendly men came as they somehow wanna help me on my work...and as they did...I somehow felt like I was actually doing my work...I've never get help by anyone to help me but them...after that, I thanked them for helping me, and they told me their names, Noriaki Kakyoin, Muhammad Avdol...and the other I didn't know his first name...but I keep calling him Mr.Kujo, so I'll stick with calling him like Mr.Kujo and his two friends walked me down to my house, and as they did, I thanked them as well and waved them they were about to leave...Mr.Kujo started to notice that I wasn't myself he called me and told me what was wrong...So I told him and his friend everything...about how tragically my parents were murdered by a enemy stand user, Angelo Katagiri, and that I lost them at the age of 7...And I felt like I was a coward tha I wasn't enough to protect them...and told them that I still can't forget them and still miss them...Avdol and Kakyoin felt bad for me, as for Mr.Kujo, he then walked up to me, place his hand onto my shoulder, and I can still remember the words he told me about moving on about my parents death, he said something about like...

Mr.Kujo: Stop feeling yourself sorry, it's not your fault that you weren't there to save them, you were scared, that's all. Don't be sad because their home, be happy they existed. You've got nothing to do but to smile today and the rest of your life.

After that, he somehow...changed me...and I did smile once he told those words to me...and I thanked him for that, he did was glad that I understood him, so and his two friends left, and I decided to tell them that I'll look for them and call them if I ever needed help on my school work, and they agree to help me. So after that, I enter home rush to my, auntie, and hugged her as she didn't know what was going on, but all I told her was

(YN): Thank You Auntie. For being here for me.

She did nothing but smile, and hugged me as well...
Soon later on, weeks have pass since I started to get along with Mr.Kujo, Avdol and Kakyoin, they were so friendly and helpful, they even help me on my school work and my homework, they always treat me other food and ice cream too after that, we would always hang out together and that made me more happy....until one day...the three notice a young woman needed help, she was being threaten and harassed by a guy, so the three try to stop him...but suddenly...this guy somehow smiled as suddenly ran away...and as he did, they were gonna check on the lady to see she was okay...until...she suddenly blow up into pieces, like a self destructive bomb...Mr.Kujo and his friends were shocked to see what that guy did to her, I wasn't sure what he did to that lady, but they did, and that was back then when I didn't know what was a "Stand" nor a "Stand User"
So the three try to chase him down, as for me, I wanted to help, but Mr.Kujo said to not go and stay here, I wanted to help, but he told me I have to stay out of this one, it's too dangerous for me to go with them to chase after the person that caused the lady to blow I stay at the café store for a while...and waited...and waited...and waited...until I saw (YN) coming around the corner...I ran up to him knowing I was happy to know he was okay....but I was wrong...he wasn't...he has lost an arm, his side of his upper body was severely wounded and had a huge gaping hole on his stomach, and lost a foot, fingers, and even a busted head...he was bleeding a lot, and I was scared, he collapses to the floor as he was still breathing...I checked on him, and I also notice that Avdol and Kakyoin wasn't with him...until I find out, that the person they were chasing down
Killed them both, exploding them like he did to the lady...and suddenly, that person who killed the lady, Kakyoin and Avdol appeared behind me with Mr.Kujo...he was looking at me, menacingly, I don't know how he loooed like, but all I can remember....had blonde hair, and something about saying "Killer Queen" he laughed knowing that he was gonna like Mr.Kujo, I got angry, as I soon rush at him to stop him from hurting Mr.Kujo and what he did to Avdol and Kakyoin, but as soon I did, I felt a punch in my face, it's like someone punched me, and knocking me down to the ground....I couldn't move, I was hurt as well, I can barely see what was happening, I can see somehow, the blonde hair person was sent flying crashing to a car, as for Mr.Kujo, he started crawling up to me...he was bleeding too much and a lot, and couldn't move anymore until he reached to me, he suddenly grabbed my hand as I felt his, and suddenly, started saying some words I didn't hear him correctly, but then, I was able to hear him at last...his last words to me was

Mr.Kujo: R-Remember (YN)...d-do no be sad...that I'm gone...b-be happy that I existed as well...and always to remember to smile, that's all you have to do...y-you got nothing else to do, my friend...

And so, after that, I suddenly started to see his whole body glowing somehow, while still holding onto my hand, his body started to vanish somehow, and o started to feel something going inside my body...I don't know what else happen, but I shut my eyes down...
Moments later, I suddenly open my eyes, and notice...he wasn't there anymore, not even a single blood of his on the ground...I was calling for him, screaming his name and his friends...s I remember...the three of them were dead...I was tearing down, knowing I lost three special friends...until suddenly, I notice a golden necklace on the ground, I crawl over to check, and was a necklace with a heart on it, I open it...and soon to see a picture of him, you, and Jolyne...and I also remember his final words to me about be happy no matter what, knowing that to be happy, that the people I cared for existed in my I kept his necklace for memory...and soon police came and heard about noise complaint and a fight going on...they notice me as well, they told me what happen...and it was hard for me to explain I told them nothing, that I didn't know nothing, and so, they took me to my aunties, as she was worried about me what happen back there, I told her i was okay, to not be worried...
As days pass, I was focus on my life and my studies, and I will still remember the people I cared for....but one other school, there some bullies that kept bugging me, and teasing me as well, I had enough of them, so I had to step up, but as soon the bullies were teaming up against me, I suddenly notices a flaming figure appearing out from my body and soon to see the spirit fighting the bullies, they didn't know what was going on, and left and never bothered me again...but then again...I was the one who can see the spirit that popped out of my body, and they didn't....the spirit was a flaming figure, he then stare at me and it talked to me, saying...

(YN)'s Spirit: Don't worry. I'm here for you. I'll protect you from trouble.


Josie Higashikata x Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora