Chp.15 Tamami Koboyashi: The Lock Pt.1

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A few days has pass, and now a new enemy with a stand now has the bow and arrow after killing Keicho Nijimura, Okuyasa's brother, Jocelyn will find out who is this new mysterious person who now has the bow and the meantime, Josie, (YN), and Okuyasa were heading to school, as for Koichi, he was heading there too, this time with some wheels on his own he can get to school quickly with a bicycle he has and new school supplies...

Koichi: Amazing! This mountain bike was a gift to celebrate of me getting into high school!  Getting new stuff is so exciting! Now I can get to school quickly and-

Suddenly, as Koichi wasn't paying attention, he then barely sees a bag laying there in the middle of the road, as he ran it over and caused him to fall of his bike...

Koichi: O-Ow...wh-what the heck did I ran over??

Koichi then hears a noise coming from inside the bag, it sounded like a kitten meowing, not only meowing, but it was in such pain after being ran over, the kitten stopped moving...and died as a lot of blood started to come out from the bag...

Koichi: AAAAAAAAGH!! Wh-What-N-No! It can't be!?! Who in the heck place a kitten inside the bag and leave it in the middle of the road?!? And I ran over it! O-Oh Crap oh crap! Wh-what I'm gonna do?! I ran it over!

???: Precisely. You know, it isn't your fault that you ran it over. It should be the person's fault that left that port kitten in the road. Unfortunate accident I should say.

Koichi: W-We have to repair his injuries!

???: It's useless buddy. You don't hear it crying nor moving, don't ya? It's dead already. Say, what's your name? My name is Tamami Kobayashi, and graduated from your school two years ago. Say, that's a nice looking bike you got there. You a first year?

Koichi: Y-Yeah, I am. The names Koichi Hirose.

Tamami: Ah. High school Eh? Take me back in my young days. Things were good back then. Say, why don't you have a seat, Koichi?

Koichi: B-But what about-

Tamami, walks up to Koichi and tells him...

Tamami: Just shut up and sit down will ya?

Koichi then sits down next to Tamami...

Tamami: Look, I myself have a idea: I'll bury the kitten for you if you give me little money, sounds good?

Koichi: ...

Tamami: HEY! Your listening?!

Koichi: Wh-What are you saying sir?!

Tamami: Hey now, quit messing around kid. It's true that it isn't your fault. But are you really planning to do nothing about killing my kitten?

Koichi: W-Wait! S-So that's your-

Tamami: You Damn right it's mine!

Koichi: A-And you put it in the road?! Why?!

Tamami: That's not the problem anymore! I'm asking you if you're really gonna do nothing about it and just let it go. You're the one who killed it, bro.

Koichi: I-I-

Tamami: Whats the matter? Feeling guilty? If your heart could be freed from the shackles of guilt by paying some cash...wouldn't it be better to just pay up,  right? hehe.

Tamami shoves Koichi away until Koichi started to feel something coming out from his gut, a lock to be appeared...

Koichi: AGH! Eh-What this luck thing?! I-It's heavy!

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