#2 Back "home"~

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Sasuke pov
"time to go I have things to take care of at home"

Naruto looked up at him and smiled "ok dad i'll meet you in the car just give me a second' he said still smiling but his smiled seemed weirdly forced.

His dad nodded and walked off. Naruto watched him go and then turned to me looking completely exhausted. 'Why'd his facial expression change so fast?'

"Naruto was there something bothering you earlier? You looked distracted" I asked with genuine curiosity in my voice.

He looked surprised at the question then shook his head "nope I'm just tired, I played video games with sora all night" he rubbed the back of his neck and grinned tiredly.

"Lies, you used your left hand to rub the back of your neck not your right. Whats actually bothering you?"

"Wh-what?! How the hell did you figure that out?!" He asked in shock while pointing his finger accusingly at me.

"You act as if I haven't known you for over ten years" I rolled my eyes "now whats up?"

He took a deep breath and groaned "you know me too well y'know that? nothing ever gets by you" he grumbled "and its nothing really, just that apparently I'm moving to konoha for absolutely NO reason at all this summer. That means I'll be changing schools, loosing all my friends, missing senior year which we already had our prank planned out for and I'll have to memorize a whole new school" he blurted out annoyed.

He was now staring at the ground so I gently lifting his chin to make him look at me. He flinched at the sudden contact and looked at me confused.

"Hey if you're moving to suna that most likley means you're going to be transferring to my school. I'll just show you around and for the friends aspect I can just introduce you to my friends ya dummy" I poked his forehead and chuckled.

That seemed to cheer him up a bit because a grin appeared on his face before he hugged me tightly "thanks sasuke you're a life saver!" He exclaimed then his dad honked the car horn causing us both to jump and him to immediately let go of me.

"Ah shit I gotta go" he ran to the bench and started shoving his water bottle into his bag while fumbling to zip and unzip in the process.

"Yeah you're welcome and I could introduce you to my friends sometime this or next week if you want"

Naruto nodded his head happily before running to his dads car "yeah definitely! Thanks again sasuke!" He shouted waving to me before getting into his car.

After they drove off I had my second heart attack for the day as itachi came up behind me giggling "aww sasuke that was cute who's the blond" he asked.

"itachi thats Naruto you've met him before" I said rolling my eyes "y'know the guy I facetime litterally every night?"

Itachi's eyes widened and he looked at me in surprise "really?! Thats naruto? He's grown so much, the last time I saw him he was like....five"

"Well maybe if you stuck around for my games you would have known who he was"

Itachi rolled his eyes and nudged me with his elbow "hey he's gotten pretty handsome huh sasuke what do ya think" he said now smirking.

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