Chp.50 The Unknown Enemy: Highway Star Pt.1

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Rohan: Lies? You really don't believe me, Josie Higashikata? A liar like you who cheats on dice, burns my house down, a liar like you who always does something different from what she says, has the nerve to call Rohan Kishibe a liar? Hmph. Then I am correct, you and I both do not get along very well. If you don't believe me, then just say so.

Back at the tunnel...

Rohan: Alright, let's go.

And so, Rohan got on his bike as he then goes in the tunnel to find that door and window he saw inside...but soon he was about to reach to the exit as he then stops and doesn't see a door nor a window...

Rohan: I could have sworn this was the right area I saw the door and window, but seems it's not here, nothing but a wall...I guess it was just an illusion...

Suddenly, as he places his hand onto the wall, a door suddenly appeared as Rohan falls towards it and soon to fall inside a room...

Rohan: Th-This the one I saw in the bus! appeared out of nowhere, though a man and woman isn't here somehow...

Suddenly, he heard noises coming from the drawer closet as he then makes a run for back to his motorcycle...

Rohan: Shit! So this is a trap after all! Whatever it's is inside the room probably is the enemy!

Suddenly, he then heard footsteps, coming towards his direction...

Rohan: I-I heard footsteps...coming towards me! I can't see it! But I can feel is coming after me!

Rohan steps on the gas and gets out with his motorcycle, he knew that whatever footsteps he heard coming towards him isn't just a person, it's probably an enemy stand user, even though, he did saw a man and woman before too. Resembling the illusion of Murderous actions towards the ladies...

Rohan: I can't do this alone! I have to go and find Ms.Jocelyn right away-

Suddenly, the footsteps from before caught up to Rohan as a Rohan notice four footprints coming after him...

Rohan: Th-Those footprints! I can see them! So this is the enemy stand!?

The footprints jumped towards Rohan from behind...

Rohan: Sh-Shit! It got me! I'll turn it into a book! Heavens Door-

Suddenly, the footprints somehow stick themselves inside Rohan from behind as causing Rohan to lose strength...

Rohan: Wh-What?! I-I can't move at all!

Causing Rohan to lose grip and strength, he falls a down to the ground, having his motorcycle driving itself towards the exit out of the tunnel. Meanwhile, Josie, alongside with (YN), suddenly appeared to the tunnel...

(YN): So, Rohan told you that there's a door and window inside the tunnel, and knowing he also saw a man and woman both inside a room together?

Josie: That's what the bastard said. So, I decided to come here and find out myself. And look who's the liar now, hehe. It appears my "friend" Rohan has lied to me. Just as I-

(YN): Josie look out!

(YN) quickly grabs Josie and drops towards the ground with her holding, soon a motorcycle was coming with such speed, it could've hit Josie, luckily (YN) to save her from being hit...

(YN): Shit! Josie, are you alright?!

Josie: Y-Yeah, I'm fine. The hell happened!?

(YN): Hey look. That kinda looks like-

Josie Higashikata x Male ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant