What had I gotten myself into? Was there anyone back home looking for me? Will the cops swarm the airport and stop these men? Will the police save me and tell me everything will be okay? I didn't know but the sudden movement of the cabin door opening halted my thoughts. There standing in the door way was the real Boss.

" Anna you're awake, thank goodness." He said coming this way.

He motions with his head for Brody to leave the cabin then once Brody was gone his gaze traveled to me.

" I don't think we have formally met, my name is Dimitri and I'm the temporary head of my father's mafia." He explained as he put his hand out for me to shake. How dare he act like this was all some casual conversation between to normal people.

" Wait! You're the head of a Russian mafia!" I was finding it hard to control the level of my voice. You have to be kidding me! this was a joke right? This stuff only happens in action movies...right? Is this a hidden camera TV show?

" Yes, but calm down I won't hurt you as long as you behave." He reassured as he failed to calm me down. If anything he pushed me over the edge with that last part.

" Behave? What is that suppose to mean, I want off this plane! This is kidnapping! This is illegal!" I argued trying to push past him, but he grabbed my wrist roughly.

He forcefully pushed me back into my white leather seat, and stared into my eyes. His were cold and emotionless while mine I'm sure were weak and afraid. His resembled a sharks, dark and incapable of mercy.

" I don't think you know the situation you're in right now, you have no power to refuse me. By now we are thousands of miles away from your home and thousands of feet in the air. Escape is futile, are we clear?" He threatened in his deep Russian accent. the sent of gunpowder that heavily clung to his clothes made his threat even more frightening.

His grip on my wrist grew so strong it felt like it was going to break. Then, just as fast as it happened, he let go and stormed out of the cabin leaving me there to reflect on my actions.

He had a point, arguing now won't do me any good. If I wanted any chance at freedom, I had to earn it. After I was sure he had left for good I snuck a peek at my wrist. It was a little swollen, but nothing too bad.

Suddenly, the plane started to shake a little thus sending me back down into my seat. I looked out the window and saw we were landing. A mass of pine trees and snow that covered the landscape around the runway were my only hints to our current location. My stomach sank as I put two and two together.

" Don't tell me..." I whispered to myself as the feeling grew worse in my stomach.

Were we really where I feared we were... Were we in RUSSIA?

Brody came through the door and looked straight at me when the plane came to a complete stop,

" Time to go sweetheart." He reluctantly noted as he gestured for me to go in the other direction.

I took a big gulp and got up, not wanting what just happened to repeat. I walked over to him, and he led me to the main cabin where the other five were.

Once Boris saw me he looked away as for Nikolai he just gave me a small nod. I don't know why, but Nikolai gave off a real dad vibe, not like mine, but how a real father should be. That hit me as kinda odd judging from the fact these were criminals who have kidnapped me and most likely want to kill me.

" You okay Anna?" Asked Brody as he looked down at me. Just like Dimitri, he was about six-foot something. and a complete freaken unit.

what did he expect me to say to that? Of course not! I'm in another country, surrounded by dangerous criminals! I needed some answers but no one was working with me here." Tell me the truth, we're in Russia...aren't we?" I asked searching his eyes for the truth.

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