"So you're ready to listen?" He asked suggestively.

"Do you have real information about my mother, or are you just playing me?"

"This will be worth your time. I suggest we go somewhere more private."

Melody and Draco decided to go to the potion's classroom.

"To start, you should probably know your real last name is Petrova, your mother's maiden name," he informed.

"You mean as in Cierra Petrova? Melody asked.

Cierra was a mighty witch, she died a long time ago, and she had been labeled as one of the most powerful females in history. Her bloodline is believed to be dead, but Draco is telling her otherwise. Melody didn't buy a thing he was saying, which is why she was going to ask Madam Pomfrey to confirm.

"Yes, as in Cierra Petrova," he answered. "That's not it, though, your real father..."

"How do you know who my father is? How do you know any of this?"

"My father looked into you when I began going to school with you. He said something about you looking a lot like your mother or something; I don't know. He's been obsessed with it up until this year. He mysteriously dropped the case. I assume he knows Dahlia's back," he replied.

"So, in other words, your fathers obsessed with my existence?" she concluded.

"No, he's obsessed with your power."


"Your father is also a very powerful wizard," he answered. "Leonard McLane; known to be dead, but I speculate he's faked his death like your mum. And as you know, he's a very powerful wizard as well. The merge of a Petrova and McLane creates an even more powerful witch or wizard. You."

"Wouldn't I know if I'm powerful or something? I'm sorry, but this doesn't check out at all."

"That's because you've never been aware of your true power."

"Tell me about this curse."

"Immortality. In the Petrova bloodline, you're cursed with immortality on your thirty-second birthday. All first-born females have this curse, you. That's the reason your ancestors are dead; someone killed Cierra before her thirty-second birthday, so her curse wouldn't activate. I don't think Dahlia is harnessing the totem's power. She's using it to break the Petrova curse," he said.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but that does not sound as crazy as I thought it would."

"The reason the bloodline is continued is that all the Petrova's had children before their thirty-second birthday. As you know, immortals cannot have children."

"Do you think my mothers using the totems to break the curse?"

"Yes, and she can't break it alone. The curse is too ancient to be broken so easily. She's working with someone."

"You've been very helpful, thank you," Melody said truthfully. She was almost out the door when Draco stopped her.

"Your secrets safe with me. I won't tell anyone."

Melody nodded and headed back to her common room. When she walked in, she saw Harry, who was the person she least expected to be there. Melody sat next to him.

"I was just about to go looking for you. I have some news," he announced. "While I was gone, I had Hermione do some more research about Dahlia-"

"You told Hermione?" Melody asked with her eyebrows furrowed.

It's not that Melody didn't trust her; she just hasn't known her that long. Even if she didn't trust her, it's wasn't Harry's story to tell.

"Well, yes, but only because I wanted to help," he said quickly.

"Harry, it wasn't your story to tell," Melody said defensively.

"Sorry, are you upset with me?" He asked, clearly disappointed in himself.

"Since I trust Hermione, no, and I already know what I need to know about Dahlia,"

"I don't think you know the half of it-" Harry began.

"I think I do, I've been told."


Melody had just gotten back from the hospital wing, and the test confirmed that she was indeed a Petrova.

"Could you possibly help me with the potions essay? I would've asked Hermione, but she's busy with Ron's," Harry asked.

"I'm failing."

"Potions? But your amazing at that class," he remarked

"I was amazing at that class," corrected Melody.

"What happened?" Harry questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

"Shit happened," Melody said tiredly

"Have you gotten any sleep?" He asked, noticing her tired expression.

"I mean, yeah-kind of."

"Kind of?"

"I can't force myself to go to sleep anymore like I used to. Nothing, in particular, is keeping me up at night either. I just can't go to sleep," Melody shrugged.

"Ok, come on," Harry said, pulling her off the couch, causing Melody to whine. "Stop being such a baby," he said sarcastically. He dragged her up the steps of the boy's dormitories where girls aren't allowed, but no one acknowledges this rule.

"Why are we in your dorm?"

"So you can sleep, and I'll be here to make sure you fall asleep."

Harry removed his shoes and lays on his bed, Melody copying his movements. Her head lays on his chest, and she was tucked under his arm safely. Harry didn't allow himself to fall asleep until he was sure Melody was sleeping. He kissed her forehead softly and finally let himself sleep.



I totally got the last name 'Petrova' from TVD lol. And for the horny hoes, there will be smut in year five (maybe), year six, and seven cause they're literally 14/15 right now. (Harry will not be soft in bed btw lolz).

Melody and Draco will not date or anything of the sort either, their not even friends lmao.

I'm sure there are grammar mistakes, I got a little sleepy during writing, so yuh


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