Chp.49 Shinobu Kawajiri/Kosaku Kawajiri

Start from the beginning

Shinobu: I can't say, I never seen this side of you before, not even in my life. I mean since when you know your way around the kitchen? It's not kind work prank is it? Two plates? So I'm guessing one is mine? Hehe, you can't possibly think I'll eat something that you all together? That's insane.

After making dinner, Kosaku walks away to sit down on the couch, somehow grabs a clipper and started clipping his nails on his fingers....that's odd...and really fishy for some reason...

Shinobu: Seriously? You think it's the best time to cut your nails? And besides, didn't you cut them last night? They sure grow fast.

Shinobu sits down as she then grabs chopsticks and starts to dig in, as she took the first bite, she suddenly felt like the food Kosaku made was...really good...

Shinobu Mind: H-Holy shit! This is actually delicious!

Shinobu then started to enjoy eating the dinner Kosaku for Kosaku himself, he finished clipping his nails...and somehow started to look around the house....that's really oddly sus about him...the fact Shinobu mention us about him that he never cooks, doesn't even contain his marriage right, come home from work, only expects for Shinobu to make dinner, take a bath and then sleep...but this time, he came home, made dinner for him and her, and somehow, he's clipping his nails the fact he did them last time....just what is going on with this Kosaku guy...


The next day, it was a Saturday with no work and school at all, Shinobu was suddenly looking for her cat, soon to here her cat crying out from the window of her room, stranded on the tree...

Shinobu: Kitty! How'd you get out of here?! Where you crying all night because you couldn't come in the house?! But I know who to blame!

Shinobu marches down towards the bathroom as she then starts to yell at Kosaku , the fact he's in a middle of a shower, naked...

Shinobu: Hey! We need to talk! You close that's iPod window near the tree didn't you?! How many times do I have to tell you to leave it open or kitty will-

Suddenly, Shinobu' scar started to get aggressive as he made eye contact with Kosaku for some reason, and wanted to get away from him...

Shinobu: Kitty! What's wrong sweetie!? Why are you getting so worked up!?!

Kosaku then turns off the shower water, turns around as he was done anyways, and shaving his hair from his side face as he then says to Shinobu...

Kosaku: It got aggressive cause of the water. Cats hate water. I guess there not a big fans about water. My apologies, I wasn't thinking in active carelessly. Sorry, it won't happen again.

Shinobu: okay...

Shinobu then let's her cat go as it then goes off to her bed for a nap...

Shinobu Mind: There's definitely something strange going on about him. Yesterday he starts cooking out do the blue, and now he's using an actual blade instead of his electric razor. Blades always give him razor burn.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang as she then goes downstairs and gets the door, knowing it was the landlord that came to pick up the rent...

Shinobu : Good afternoon sir-

Landlord: Listen you! You still haven't paid last months rent you cheapskate! And now you owe me for this month as well, now pay up!

Shinobu: W-Well-

Kosaku: Rent?

Kawajiri appeared fully dressed...

Shinobu: Yeah! You heard the man, go and get the money from the safe before he kicks us out of here.

Kosaku: ...R-Right...the safe...

Shinobu: Well get a move on! You're the one that knows the combination.

Kosaku: .....

Kosaku was somehow sweating a bit and don't seem to be like he wanted to go and get the money from the combination to get the money for the he then started walking towards the landlord.

Kosaku: Thank you for taking your time to drop by here. But I appear to run short on cash right about now. I'm sure you'll understand.

Landlord: Eh?? Hey! Quit screwing around! You got in over your head when you tried to rent my wonderful house! With your lousy income, you peon! You need to learn to live within your means!

.....suddenly, a stand appeared behind the landlord....and that stand...was Killer Queen!?!?!?? Where the helm did he came from!?! ...but before that, Killer Queen then destroyed a lock on the landlords bag, where he keeps the money, steals it and places it on Kosaku's pants!?!? The hell!?! Kosaku has a stand of Killer Queen too!?!

Shinobu: S-Sorry! You'll get your-

Kosaku: No. I think you misunderstood me earlier. I said I was short on cash, but I meant I only had a little over of 500,000 yen. I'll be able to pay for last months pay, this month, the next month and the previous months as well. Will this be enough?

Landlord: O-Oh! Why yes! That'll do nicely! Thanks so much! Have a good one! Until next time. Hehe.

The landlord leaves the house as Shinobu saw everything...besides seeing Killer Queen cause she's not a stand user...

Shinobu: H-Hey...I don't know how...but you somehow manage to steal that money from the landlord...there's no point of you trying to say you didn't. You stole it from his bag didn't you?! *If anyone else was in this situation, it be horrifying that their partner will do such a thing...but his gusto, the way he stole that money and lie about it so calmly and easy...I've been with him for so many years. But he has never made me feel like this before...I-It's exhilarating~I-It's like I'm falling. In live with him...for the first time~

Awwwww. For the first time, Shinobu is starting to like the side of Kosaku, and I'm glad that We-NOW HOLD ON A DAMN SEC!!!! CHOTTO MATTE!!!! Back what was I saying about Killer Queen out of nowhere appearing near the landlord, and especially Kosaku this is what we know, Kosaku never cooks, but he somehow cooked yesterday for the first time out of the blue, and today, he used an actual blade instead of a razor, clipping his nails, knowing damn well he did them two days ago, but still clip them yesterday, and somehow, Killer Queen appeared out of nowhere and knowing Kosaku knew about it as well, and use Killer Queen to steal the landlords money to pay their rent with their own "money"....and on top of that, his voice sounds really familiar his voice sounds so exactly like...Kira Yoshikage!?! WAIT!!! So none other...than Kira Yoshikage!?!? So Kira now has the face and fingerprints of Kosaku Kawajiri!?!!!?


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