Chapter 10: I don't trust you anymore

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"If you wouldn't have met me, I wouldn't have known how beautiful it is to burn into ashes for someone and yet bloom like a Phoenix"



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I saw that son of a ... saying something to her in a very empathetic tone which from my experience is fake. Now you all would think that if I know how as a person dex is why am I best friends with him. It is because our families are associated in a few business somehow. But I would really like to mention that we are more rich than his family would ever be. And maybe juust maybe I think that because of this money matter he wants to be friends with me.

I mean he was not always like this. He was a cool guy with good heart. But when his parents separated. He suffered a lot emotionally. Even if he would go to therapists and all but bit by bit he became as a person who only kept things with himself. I respect that but after that separation day by day his humane side also started wearing off. He became more and more heartless. For him everything was and is a game.

I just hope celina is not his next game. Cause I wouldn't think twice to break his nose and bleed him to death.
Sinister? Not yet!

And as Celina's eyes traveled and meet mine I saw her empathy towards me as well. But there was something else. Regret? Confusion?
I am not quite sure about it.
But yes her look of empathy was genuine unlike dex.
What the hell did he tell her?
I need to find out?

After cutting the cake I wanted to go to celina and meet her and talk about what was bothering her but i didn't find her anywhere.

Is she gone?
She didn't even say goodbye?

I saw Dex smiling a happy smile and I know he messed up between me and Celina.


I know I shouldn't have left the way I did in Jessy's party. But I couldn't hold myself.
First dex hurting me than jess thinking of me as a sister.?
Even my tears are abandoning me.

But if he thinks of me as a sister why would he tell me all the things he said.
I thought.. I thought maybe he..
Does it matter what I think though?

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