Chapter 2: The Skull and The Map

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"Oh I wish I never had talked with you the first time I met you. Wish I had run"



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Celina Pov:

Since yesterday I was unable to sleep..
Yeah! You guessed it right.. that guy.. that idiot, idiot guy who came into my dreams over and over again.. I know how dumb you would think of me. But trust me it is not my fault. I didn't even call him in my dreams. He came all by himself.. so point being it's not my fault..

Have I told you how much I love my sleep..
A lot.. A looooot...
But due to that Mr. Kinda handsome I was unable to sleep last night. And now I am a mess.. my eyes are having dark circles and it's puffed; giving everybody a clue that I might have had a nightmare..
Which is partially true..
My sweet nightmare.. 😌

Now I do have to get up from the warmth of my bed as it is 7 am in the morning. I get up brush my teeth and go downstairs to have some much needed breakfast..
I hear my mom talking to someone on call..
Jesus! Its hardly 9. Does woman talk this much ?
I can hardly talk to my friends for 10 minutes.

"Hey mom! Made breakfast?" I ask as I plop down on the chair of the dinning table. My mom points to me to give her 2 minutes ✌ as she is busy.. and I wish my mom have made me blueberry pancakes with some caramel syrup.. yumm🤤.. those are my favorite.. well One of my favorite heheh..
How can someone choose their favorite food.. for me it's impossible..

"Hey! Sweetie.. what happened to you? Nightmare?"


My mom asks me as she settles beside me on the dining table.
"No mom I just didn't get enough sleep last night"

Because an idiot wouldn't let me sleep.

"Oh honey! You should get good sleep. Your father had some urgent work to take care of and so he left early and you are going to come with me at this gathering we ladies are having at 5 p.m. It's just some ladies I met yesterday while at the marriage. And since you are having vacations. You can also make some friends" she smiles.

Now 3 things.. first my father owns his company who hires people for various jobs in rachette, queen fields. So my father works day and night, he is such a hardworking person. I wish I could be like him and do something great in rachette. Oh and rachette is the place where we live.

Second. I HATE gatherings. Why do people meet anyways. To gossip and do the blame game or eat free food.. FOOD.
Guess who's going to the party now?

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