Chapter 8: Not good enough

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"Your jealousy was enough to drive me closer to you but I know by now that you're not good enough for me"



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Ping! Ping! Ping!

My notifications goes off as I wake up in the morning from the sound of it.
What the hell?
Who is texting me so much?

I open my phone and see I have 20 snaps from Jessy.
Why is he so daaamn irritating?
I shouldn't have accepted his request in the first place.
Damn! 🙄
I hate him already!

Before I can even open it. I get his another.
Urgggh! Monsterrrr

I open it and open his first snap. Its a picture of him saying 'Celina why did you leave your uncle alone with a pout emoji'
This idiot atleast knows how to bring a smile on my face.
And then snap after snap there were pictures of him laying on bed then on couch then he was outside somewhere dark then in the party.
It goes on and on.
And the texts in the pictures held the same message indirectly and directly coming down to one word 'uncle'.

I think he have just gone nuts or maybe he got offended by me saying him uncle.
Either ways I don't care.

I got off to shower and dress up in a cute little dress. The sun is smiling today and I am in a mood to smile back.
I don't go chica but yes I do look preety well.

And then my phone rings.
Who might it be?
I look at my wrist watch and its just 12 am in the morning. I don't believe puffy would be so much free in the morning as she helps her father in store.
You know sometimes I wish I should work too but here the legal age for working is 17 and hence I might have to wait for 2 years more. Or just 1 and a half to be precise.. 

Thinking so much I really didn't hear that my phone went off and it again started ringing.
I mentally facepalm myself and go to see an unknown number calling. I pick up.
"Hello, who's this" I ask,
"Heey-ey Celina its me jess"
"Jess?" I ask getting confused.
"Yea-ah, Jessy, Dexter's best buddy, we met yesterday remember"
What the....!
"How did you find my number?"
"I have contacts" he replies.
Hell with his contacts.
"You're creepy" I say,
He chuckles on the other side and replies," I'm not creepy, I'm uncle remember?"
Now I chuckle.
"Yeah. See if you got offended I'm sorry" I say.
"Don't worry mi Conejo it's all cool"
"What did you just say?"
"Nothing. Anyways listen me and Dex are going for a party of a friend. I asked Dexter and he didn't call you so I am inviting you myself. Wanna come?"
"Umm..." I think before saying anything,
Should I go?
Wouldn't that be awkward?
"Hey! Don't worry you could bring your friend too if you feel uncomfortable" he says.
Yeah that would be fine. I guess!
"Yeah. Okay done. Where?"
He texts me the address of the place on snap.
The place is not too far from my home.
If I take a but I would probably reach there in 20 minutes. I called my bestie and she squeaks like anything. Apparently she has a thing for Jessy.
Who would like him.. he's uncle and a wierdo.

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