Chapter 6: Heart- attack

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"My first heartbreak was when you told me you wouldn't need me; I should've stopped then; I should've known better"



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Celina POV:

I shouldn't feel this way, I shouldn't. But I cannot stop myself from remembering those words again and again. "If you won't talk with me; my life won't stop".

No one folks; like literally NO-ONE have ever told me that without me their life will just move on. People beg to be with me. I mean I am a freaking princess for God's sake. Be HE. That crunch of a peanut butter. How dare he asked me tell all this.
As if I care.
But I do.

Yes! I really really do. That evening with him on his special place was something I will never forget. The way he made me feel, so caring so charming. No one is like him. I don't know why he said what he said to me.
But damn it hurts.
It hurts so so soo much.

And now I am crying. Great. I don't like to be a cry baby but also I don't mind wetting my a day or two for the dire circumstances like this. I know I have to be strong. For myself.
He is too harmful for my heart. If his saying this petty statement (which in my mind i know is nothing to cry about; but my heart differs with this) so if that could hurt me so much. I wouldn't want to be in a situation like when I am just a lost sheep with No one to care about.

If only I knew...

Staying to keep things the way they are I decide to try something different. I decide to try something I have never done before. MOVING ON. yeah yeah I know you would laugh at me behaving such childish but hey I'm just 15 ..

So my way of moving on. Going in the park which I may say is very near to my house. I strolled on the sidewalk, my thoughts a mess and my mind unsettled. I don't know what I'm gonna do next. Should I message him and say sorry. Or should I wait for his response.
Ugh! GOD!

I saw the park nearing and the best part that no one was there.
I am so lucky ain't I?

I hear someone call my name and I turn around and my breathing stopped.


My mom asked me to buy some groceries and just because the shop nearby my house was under construction for few days. I came this side.

Not talking to Celina was not at all my plan. But I guess she took it in another way.
I hate to say this. But I was just toying with her.
I enjoyed how independent and fierce she is when she wants to speak her mind.
Also I loved the fact that she is so sensitive.
When I called her name. I saw something in her eyes.
Shock or maybe hurt.
Did I hurt her by saying that I least care about her.
Well partially it was true because nobody's life stops for somebody. But I do care about her.

She ignore me and started walking further on the sidewalk.
I thought she was going in the park?
I run to her side and start saying,
"Celina, hi"
She doesn't reply.
Okay maybe I did hurt her. Shit!
How can I forget she is just a child.

I sigh!
"Celina, I am sorry about what I said earlier. I shouldn't have said that"
She pauses, thinking something
And starts walking again.
Seriously? This girl got attitude.
Now she wants me to run after her. No hell no.

"Celina, now you're going to give me a cold shoulder?, fine! I won't bother you again"
I say and turn back to where my car was parked.

"Dexter" I hear her sweet angelic voice and for the first time in my life I feel something move inside of me.

I turn around and say,"yeah?"

She sighs," i am sorry too, I didn't mean to ignore you, I was just angry"
I smile a little," no problem" I say.
"See you around celina"
I say and go back to my car driving off..


Meeting with Dexter was wierd. I mean I didn't mean to ignore him but I couldn't tell him how much that thing hurts me because I love him. I know he will laugh at me when I say this. So instead I thought of making a funny video for him.

I was dressed in my home clothes. P.j shorts and a white tee. I dance on the song "dance monkey".  It was for only a minute and I sent him on snap.
His reply came just afterwards.

Uuum okay. That was wierd. I know the dance was funny.
So I text him again,
Did you smile ?

His reply came 2 minutes later,
Yeah I did!

Thank Gosh!
Thinking that maybe he is busy I don't text him furthermore.

Next day I get up and open snap.
No text from Dexter.
Should I call him?
And before I could guess anything else my fingers moved on their own accord and guess what I called him.

He picked up after a few rings.
"Hi celina"
Why does he sound cold to me?
"Hi Dexter, I just wanna know if you're fine cause your messages seemed wierd yesterday" I say.

After a deep breathe he says;
"Celina! Why did you do that?" He asks getting agitated.
"Do what?" I reply getting confused.
"Send me the video before informing me?", "you know my whole family saw it"
"So listen now, don't text me, Don't call me and stay away from me and my family"
He says. And may I add harshly.
I should've known . Stupid Celina.
No second chance should be given.

With tear cladded eyes I sob and tell him," I was just trying to make you smile as I thought i hurt  you . And it was just a funny video. I Don't know why are you making such a big fuss about this, but i do respect your boundaries. So cool, I'll do as asked"
And I cut the call.

Falling back on my stomach. Face in pillow and tears.. well.. unending tears...

'You can play the song now'


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I promise this is just the starting of twists.
Keep liking, keep commenting and keep voting.. 🖤

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