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The next week flew by. It was now a Friday evening, the day before Colson would be performing on Saturday Night Live. The three of us were beyond ecstatic. The past week was filled with work for me and show rehearsals for Pete and Colson.

Mika and I were planning to go watch the show together and then we all planned on going to a club to celebrate the nights events.

Pete, Colson, Mika, and I were all currently down in Pete's basement high as a kite and drinking watching a horror movie that was already half way done by the time we turned it on the tv.

"No I think you guys are just stupid." Mika slurred laughing responding to the argument the two boys were having about the best flavor of Gatorade.

"Clearly the red one is the best." I said leaning into Pete's chest as we sat on the couch.

"But the orange one dude?" Pete said to me shocked that I would choose the red over the orange Gatorade.

"Nope Myas right red is superior." Colson said from down on the floor next Mika.

"Whatever guys agree to disagree." Pete said sighing and rolling his eyes pretending to be dramatic.

I hit his chest before kissing his cheek.

"Who's excited for tomorrow?!" Mika hollered holding up her champagne glass.

The four of us all hollered taking a sip from whatever we each were drinking. The excitement from the four of us started to die down and we all started to space off into our own worlds. The movie played in the background as we all fell silent.

I wasn't tried but I was so high I felt like I couldn't move. Being high is such a weird sensation. On one hand I really like it, cause it makes me feel numb and I can forget about all of my problems. But on the other hand it sometimes caused me to overthink and cause my anxiety to increase. But my body always craved it.

I heard Pete snoring from behind as I was lying on his chest. Colson was about in the same state as he was about to pass out on his spot on the floor.

When I looked over towards Mika she was lying on the floor her eyes wide open staring up at the ceiling.

"Mika." I whispered

She didn't budge

"Mika." I said a little louder

She slowly turned her head towards me, "what?" She whispered back

"Cmon." I said nodding my head towards Pete's room.

"Okay." She said simply getting up from her spot on the floor. I got up from the couch as quietly as possible so I wouldn't wake up Pete. I doubted he would for how deep of a sleep he was in but I just wanted to be cautious.

Walking with Mika into Pete's room I closed the door behind me and made my way to his bed where I laid down, Mika lying down next to me.

"So how ya doing?" I slurred

Looking over to me she gave me a tired, drunk smile.

"Better I guess... still hurts but I'm getting over it faster then I thought I would so that has to tell me something ya know." She said laying her head back down on the pillow looking up towards the ceiling.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Maybe because I was drunk and high but I couldn't understand what she meant by her getting over Carson faster then she thought told her something. What did that tell her?

"I mean-

She paused balancing on her elbow to turn towards me.

"She must have not been the one if it's been fairly easy to get over her." She said

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