*TW for this chapter*

"Any updates on Mulaney?" I asked Pete as I walked out of my bedroom and into the living room where Pete was lying on the couch.

"Yeah I guess... Anna texted me saying he's going into a rehab facility either later today or early tomorrow morning." He responded as one of his hands ran through his hair in stress, a frown set upon his face.

News broke to Pete and I earlier into the week that our close friend John had gotten back into drugs and he was now admitting himself into a rehabilitation program.

This whole week Pete had been kind of in a slump. Not only did he find out bad news about John, but his Crohn's had started to act up. It was completely understandable, but hard at the same time because I couldn't just be with him all day to watch him. Not that I needed to babysit him but just to make sure he didn't do anything he would regret.

My job had been kicking my ass. I had finished up on all of my work I needed to catch up on after being gone for those couple of days, but it was still long days and the work load continued to pile up.

Walking into the kitchen I filled my water bottle and made myself an iced coffee. I walked back to the couch with my coffee in hand, I sat down next to Pete.

He had been glued to his phone ever since he found out about our friend. I knew he cared deeply about John and he was one of his main reasons he wanted to try and get sober. I was worried that sooner or later Pete would sink deep down into a depressive episode if he hadn't already, sometimes it was hard to tell. I've witnessed them before but always hated when they happened. But who wouldn't.

"Pete you need to take a break from your phone." I sighed scolding him.

He just looked up at me for a second before going back to his screen. I rolled my eyes. I had asked Melissa if I could take today off of work to hangout with Pete and make sure he was alright, but if he was just going to ignore me and sit on his phone all day I guess I should've just gone into the office.

I had chugged down my coffee so I got up from the couch and placed the glass cup into the kitchen sink. Walking back into my room I took the towel that was placed a top my head setting it on the back of my chair near my vanity. Brushing out my hair I figured I should FaceTime Mika. I needed to talk to someone about what was going and how I was feeling, and Pete obviously wasn't my number one choice at the moment.

Unplugging my phone from its charger I FaceTimed Mika waiting for her to answer. Soon her gorgeous face popped onto my screen. A grin found its way onto my face. I hadn't seen her in awhile so it was nice to see her face.

"Hey babes what's up?" She asked me as I set down my hair brush and set my phone up against the mirror of my vanity. I sat down in the chair my towel was hanging from and rested my head into one of my hands.

"Hey! Nothing much I just needed to talk to someone." I said sighing

"Is something wrong?" She asked one of her eyebrows raised.

Looking over to make sure I had closed my bedroom door so Pete couldn't hear I turned back to Mika who was lying on her bed.

"I mean kind of... ya know how I told you about John." I said


"Well Pete hasn't been taking the news very well. Which is completely understandable, but he's become super distant and he won't get off of his phone. He just seems so...off of planet earth." I said hesitating to find the right words as I frowned at her.

She also frowned. "I mean you probably expected this right?" She said

"Yeah, but he has been doing so good lately so I was hoping it wouldn't be too bad."

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