~ I Love You ~

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||||| Epic : 22 ||||| Cross : 25 ||||| Dream : 24 ||||| Killer : 21 ||||| Outer : 20 ||||| Nightmare : 24 ||||| Ink : 27 ||||| Error : 23 |||| Blueberry : 24 ||||| Sci: 20 |||||

Epic POV

Cross came back and he teleported us home.

"What're we going to do, now?" I asked him.

"Actually, before that...I have something to tell you, Epic..."

His face was tinted with blush. Was he nervous?

I snickered.

Stars, he was amazing.

I nodded, "Go ahead, I'm listening," I say, unable to stop smiling.

"Epic, before I say this, you'll always be my friend. No matter what you decide. Because that's what you are to me. My best friend in the whole world...but, Epic..."

I tilted my head a bit.

Cross POV

He tilted his head a bit. I felt my face heat up even more.


Quit being so cute, Epic!

Actually, no, don't quit. I love you very much. You're adorable.


Oh, yeah, by the way, I love you!

No- That was so bad-

I love you.


Absolutely not going to be awkward or weird or anything.

It's going to be awkward anyways.

We'll always be friends, forever though, I shouldn't be scared of telling him.

I tried to build up my confidence.

I held out my hand.

"Come with me, please?" I ask him.

He doesn't even hesitate, he grabs my hand with a smile.

I teleport us to the SugarTwist AU, it was on the surface, this AU was nice for the most part. There was no such thing as "genocide" anymore in this AU. No more resets or anything. Not after Syrup...well, I'm trying to be happy. So, no dark thoughts.

The sun was setting over the horizon and I smiled as I turned to Epic.

"I needed to tell you this where nobody else could hear. After that dream, it scared me. What if...What if that was real? I would've let you die without telling you my biggest secret."

"You're secret? I thought we told each other all of our secrets?" Epic counters. "I know everything about you!"

"Yes, you do, and that's why I needed to say this. Epic..."

"Cross..." Epic says, he was smiling. I grabbed his hand. He looks up at me and I pulled him towards me, in a tight hug.

"Epic, I- Have a crush on this amazing person, they make me the happiest person ever. Their favorite color is purple and they're so smart and funny."

"A-A crush?" Epic asks.

"Yes," I say.

"Who is it?"

"Who is he?" I ask.

Epic seems a bit shocked, he looks up.

"I don't know, who are you?"

He stops, the shock sinking in. "Oh my stars!" He says. "Y-You mean..."

"I'm talking about you, Epic," I confirm, not letting go of him. He hugs me tighter. I silently wondered for his answer...

Does he like me?

He could never like me, though...


He then reached up and...

He kissed me.

"I like you too, Cross."

I was so joyous at that moment, I picked him right off the ground.

"Ahh! C-Cross!" Epic says, laughing. "Put me down, idiot!"

"Fine, fine!" I say, putting him back down on the ground. "I just couldn't resist any longer. You have no idea how happy I am right now, Epic. Really."

"It's okay." Epic says, leaning on me a bit. I wrapped my arms around him and let him lean on me.

"Are you tired? Do you wanna go back?" I ask, still aware that he would be a bit out-of-it.

"N-No...not yet." Epic answers me, smiling a bit.

"Okay...Let's sit though," I tell him and we both sit down together, watching the sun.

"I love you," Epic says.

"I love you, too." I chirp, glad to finally be able to say those very words.

Precious To Me Always (Cross x Epic)Where stories live. Discover now