You're My Everything, Part 1

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Cross POV

I stood in a field, my body ached, wanting to fall to the floor and rest. To not move any longer. I glanced around, a battle field, would be a proper term. Ink ran up to me in panic.

"Where's Epic?" He asks.

"Epic? Why was Epic here?" I ask, fear striking me quickly. Epic was here?

"Yes! He came here with you! But, he got separated from us! Can you go find him? We've already won, they retreated, now just to find him."

"Yeah, I'll go find him. I'll be back later, Ink," I say, scratching the back of my head and walking off. Soon, Ink was nothing but a spec in the distance, although I didn't think I walked that far, maybe I did. I remember coming here to fight against Fate. Apparently, she had stepped out of line. Her followers and her retreated though, as Ink said.

I decided I'd better find him fast, the sun was slowly setting, I ran through the large fields, watching for Epic. Then, I spotted him. I smiled. He stood, facing the sun.

"Epic!" I called out to him. He glanced around his shoulder, cold hard fear hit me like a train. He was crying, he had blood on his face. "Epic, are you ok?!" I ran up to him.

"Mm..." He hums, turning back to the sun. "I just...ah...I'm happy you're here, actually." Epic seemed to be struggling with his words, he wouldn't face me. Why?

"Epic, look at me."

"I did."

"No, I mean, really look at me. Turn around and look at me," I demand. He chuckles.

"You were always so observant. Tsk. I'm so sorry, Cross, I wasn't strong enough-" Epic turns slowly to face me. His hand was over a wound to his rib cage, an unrecoverable wound. A wound that would...kill him...

"E-Epic..." I mutter, at a loss of words. "Epic, you need help- We have to get you help- You'll be okay- Just come on. I'll- I'll teleport us." I say, my voice cracking.

He shakes his head, falling to his knees. "You...You won't make it in time, Cross." He informs me. "I- I just want one more hug...please. Just hug me one more time, Cross. That's all I want from you...please..." He says, holding out his arms.

I fall to my knees, hugging him tight against me.

The tears streamed down my face.

"No, no..." I say, "Please, I love you. Don't go..."

"I- I love you too, Crossy..."

Precious To Me Always (Cross x Epic)Where stories live. Discover now