Chp.48 The Heart Father: Yoshihirio Kira

Start from the beginning

Jocelyn: Well then, I guess I did found a hobby fo his, a man who tried to convince others that he was boring. This data is really fortune telling. Jewish merchants observe the movements of sunspots to determine how well their business are going. It appears the fucker, Kira Yoshikage used his length of nails to determine the condition he was he was on a conditions to kill.

Josie: Eh?!! Look at that! 1999! As of June, they've been growing more than 20 cm this year! That sick bastard!

Jocelyn: But this isn't a clue to track the bastard down. Won't do us good either. Maybe there's more in here we can-

Suddenly, out of the blue, a camera somehow took a picture itself as the flashlight hit towards Josie and Jocelyn as they startled them...after the camera took a picture of them, the picture started to print out...

Josie: ...By the looks of it, I'm thinking there's someone in this house, and we're not alone.

Jocelyn: It appears. Josie, be on your guard.

Josie: Does this mean someone here works for him??

Jocelyn: No, that's impossible. Crimes can be traced from interactions with others. A partner could possible ratted him out.

As the picture was printed, Josie finds something that seems to be oddly...weird...

Josie: Jocelyn look! The picture! Look at it.

Jocelyn then notices that in the picture, on the corner of the drawer behind them, a dark shadow was to appear, to expose an old man sitting down, looking at them...

Jocelyn: Shit! That man...that's Kira's father!

Josie: And he's behind us! You bas-

But...he's not even behind them when the picture was taken, and didn't even made a noise as well

Josie: B-But he's not behind us!? Oh hell no! Does this mean he's a ghost!? Is that why we can't see him in the outside!?!

Jocelyn: Yeah, considering of Reimi Sugimoto, it's possible that his father also couldn't pass on to the next world and is stuck here as a soul's energy. And by the looks him, he's wanting us to get the hell out.

Suddenly, the telephone rang as Josie and Jocelyn was wondering how Kira's father, Yoshihirio, is able to do this...until the phone suddenly picked up itself and the words came out of it saying...

Yoshihirio: Hurry and pick up the phones, idiots!

The phone flew towards Josie's face, hitting straight towards her as the phone broke into pieces, but suddenly Yoshihirio was still able to talk out from it...

Yoshihirio: You think I look like I wanna leave here?! That's the opposite of that! My face is saying that I'm never letting you leave the house! Anyone who goes after my sons crimes shall be dead!

Josie: You bastard! You know your son's crimes!?

Okuyasa: Oi Josie! What's all the ruckus?! Something wrong??

Josie: Show yourself you old geezer! Doesn't matter your a ghost, I'll kick your ass!

Okuyasa/Koichi: Eh?!

(YN): Ghost??!

Jocleyn: Josie, he's not hiding. He's somehow in this picture. Take a look.

Josie then realize that Yoshihirio now has a knife...

Josie: Wh-What the!?! How!?!

Jocelyn: Not only he's a ghost, but he's moving around in this picture. He's calling us from the inside of this picture. He probably threw a receiver from within this picture too.

Josie Higashikata x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now