Some Bizarre R&R

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3rd person POV:

In Shizuka's condo, Joey stood next to the window overlooking the city.

Behind him, his allies rested after their battle at his old high school and a few Speedwagon foundation medics treated their wounds.

Teddy was the exception. He was out getting food for everyone. With how everyone's condition was, they would need a week to recover so Joey would either need to wait or go solo with Teddy.

The Tv then turned on to reveal The-O.

The-O:(tv) Another week has past and oh boy, do we have some amazing battles.

The-O:(tv) From gaining allies, to girl power, but what was even greater, was the action that came about from Jojo's gang versus my trap for them.


The-O:(tv) Ladies and gentlemen, I have something to confess. I'm part of the game!


The-O: Our numbers were a little uneven, and I saw all the strong stand users, so I decided to join the game.

The-O: You all might see that as unfair, so to even the odds...

The-O: My card is the Fool. Whoever finds me first, gets to tell me to do one thing before we battle.

The-O: I'll be waiting...hehehe...

The broadcast ended as Teddy rushed into the condo.

Teddy: D-did you see that?

Joey: Yeah...

Teddy: What now?

Joey: We take a break.

Joey: Then we go all out and win this tournament.

(Opening theme)

After a couple of days, Barbra had recovered. Joey and she then sat on the balcony to begin talking.

Joey: So how you feeling?

Barbra: Better. How are you? You did see your teacher...

Joey: It happened and I got revenge for her while leaving an example to others to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Barbra: Still... It must have been traumatic. I've been trained to deal with this kind of thing, so if you need to talk...

Joey: She and I were nothing special. I was just a student and she was one of my teachers.

Joey: So I ain't traumatized, only pissed off that an innocent got dragged into this because of some psycho.

Joey: That's all there is to it.

Barbra: I see...

Joey: Changing the subject... Barbra, why did you become a cop?

Barbra: To help people in need.

Joey: But why?

Barbra: You don't need a reason to help people. But you already know that, don't you?

Joey: I do now?

Barbra: Yeah. Getting angry when an innocent person gets hurt... That's exactly how I feel.

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