Couldn't see this girl coming

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3rd person POV:

Joey walked down a street with several people following him out of amazement at what he did back at Time Square.

He practically became a celebrity that everyone was infatuated with, and apparently, he loved it.

Joey:(puts sunglasses on smugly)

Joey: Can I help you all?

Civilian: What was that back there? Do you really have a ghost fighting for you?!

Joey: Oh that? That's just a Stand. Some kind of manifestation of a person's spirit.

Civilian 2: What's this tournament of desire? Are we in danger?

Joey: Only if you don't sit back and watch the show. This tournament is just about us stand users brawling it out to get our greatest desire.

Civilian 3: What desire are you fighting for?

Joey: What desire I'm fighting for...?


With a smirk, he opens his mouth only to hear,



Joey:(mind) What the hell are they on about? I haven't move an inch... Unless...

An invisible force to both the new yorkers and Joey knocked the stand user into the alleyway.


Joey: First I apparently disappear, then get hit by something... Let me guess...enemy stand user?

???: You can say that.

Getting back to his feet, Joey saw a young woman, at least over 18 in age, wearing a green sailor uniform with stars on it along with a bow that had two badges, one was of a peace sign, the other was a "JoJo" badge. On her head, was a pair of sunglasses.

(Shizuka Joestar)

(Shizuka Joestar)

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(Opening theme)

Joey:(looks at the Jojo badge on her bow)

Joey: Heh... I'm already that famous that people are wearing merchandise of me?

Joey: Maybe I should copyright "Jojo"...?

Shizuka: Pfft... You're no Jojo.

Joey: Hmmm... Pretty sure I am.

Shizuka: You're not.

Joey: I am. People call me that. You see my name, Joey Johnson.

Joey: They took the Jo from my first and last name, then put them together to give me the nickname Jojo.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Tournament Of DesireWhere stories live. Discover now