Stand investigation

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3rd person POV:

Kicking open the door to the roof, Sven and Shizuka then entered to see Joey talking to Barbra and Teddy.

Joey: Oh hey.

Shizuka: Don't "oh hey" me.

Sven: I'm here too...

Shizuka: What happened?

Joey: Found these two contestants.

Joey: The police officer is Barbra and the kid is Teddy. They're going to join our group.

Sven: Why?

Joey: Police girl can get us out of trouble and the kid... We'll their kind of a package.

Shizuka: Are you sure this is a good idea?

Joey: Police girl, tell her your story.

Barbra: A few months ago I was patrolling the streets.

Barbra: While patrolling I saw Teddy standing alone in the street.

Brabra: But before I could approach him, I... I kinda had a gut feeling that I was going to be attacked so I turned and barely avoided getting hit by this golden arrow.

Barbra: But Teddy here got hit because I dodged.

Joey: She then went to help as the kid pulled out the arrow.

Joey: Someone then grabbed the arrow as she was tending to Teddy, and stabbed her before leaving.

Barbra: We then developed our stands and gained an invitation to the tournament of desire.

Sven: That story is similar to mine...

Shizuka: Before I let you two even close to me, tell me... If you won, what would be your reward wish.

Teddy: I-I don't really want anything...

Barbra: All I want is to make sure no one is harmed by this sick game.

Joey: Perfect, right?


Shizuka: These are the last ones. We don't need to bring anyone else into our group.

Joey: Fine by me.

Barbra's walky-talky began making noise as backup was being called in.

Walky is talky: All units. All units. We have several officers down with the perpetrator locking themselves in a house in Queens.

Walky Talky: They are demanding some man named Jojo to be brought to them.

Joey:... Shizuka, my honey muffin.

Shizuka: I will turn you into a ghost.

Joey:(smirks) If you don't trust them, then let's give them a chance.

Sven: Ahh... A little initiation. Like me and the cats.

Teddy: The cats?

Shizuka: Don't ask... But fine. If they want to join us. Let's see what they're made of.

(Opening theme)

Several police cars were surrounding a house, as Joey and his gang rolled up to the scene.

Joey:(smiling) I feel like a detective from one of those two million cop shows on tv.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Tournament Of DesireWhere stories live. Discover now