High School Stand-off: act 2

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3rd person POV:

Making their way to Joey's old high school simply because they didn't have any other leads, was Shizuka, Sven, Teddy, and Barbra who were on a speakerphone call with Joey, who was on his way to the Empire State Building.

Sven: Bloody hell mate, do we seriously have to do this?

Joey:(on phone) Listen, intern. Thanks to my overbearing wife, I'm a little sick of you all.

Joey:(on phone) I need a little me-time. And you need to expand your vocabulary beyond "Bloody hell".

Joey:(on phone) So I'll deal with the stand user, while you deal with whatever is haunting the school.

Shizuka: Since when did we become ghostbusters?

Joey:(on phone) We use ghosts to fight ghosts. We are ghostbusters!

Shizuka: Whatever... I guess I'll just have fun finding out what kind of kid you were in school.

Joey:(on phone) Whoa, hold on a minute-

Shizuka: Try not to die.

(Click, beep)

Hanging up the phone, the gang find themselves in front of Joey's old high school.

Sven: We really going to dig up dirt on Jojo's high school days?

Shizuka: Why not? If we find something embarrassing, we can use it to shut him up.

Barbra: Leave it to a wife to try and find something humiliating on his husband.

Shizuka: I'm getting real sick of these wife jokes, you all know our marriage is a sham.

Sven: Still bloody funny to tease you, seeing nothing else really bothers you.

Shizuka: Be careful what you say, or I might start tasing you.

Sven: Don't you mean tease?

Shizuka: No...no I do not.


Shizuka: Don't think you're safe, brat.

Teddy: Eeep!

Barbra: Okay, that's enough. Let's go in.

(Opening theme)

Entering the summer vacant high school, the gang search for class 309, where Joey told them to meet his old teacher, miss Grona.

Sven: Bloody hell... Being in school during the summer and being in an empty school, both are nightmares I've had.

Barbra: I see where you are coming from.

Teddy: I don't understand, what's so scary about school? It's just a place of learning.

Sven: I don't know what kind of schools you've been in, but the ones in the states are pretty bad.

Teddy: Huh... They're that bad?

Shizuka: Have you not been to one?

Teddy: No...

Shizuka: Then what do you do in the US? You're a minor, you should be going to some type of school.

Teddy: Oh well... I'm homeschooled or was...

Barbra: 309, we're here.

Entering the classroom, the gang find a woman behind a desk.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Tournament Of DesireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora