High School Stand-off: act 3

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3rd person POV;


Stephen blew up, sending Shizuka flying out of the bridging corridor, which collapsed from the explosion.

Skipping across the ground, Shizuka used Achtung Baby to help break her fall and slow down.

Shizuka: Ugh...

Bruised by getting launched from the building, bleeding from her skin getting scraped while she slid on the ground, Shizuka slowly got up.

Shizuka: Damn suicide bomber...

Shizuka:(mind) I best head back to Teddy and Cathy... I'm too injured to do anything else...

Going invisible, Shizuka limped her way to the classroom where Teddy and Cathy were while trying to contact Joey but quickly realizing her phone was broken.

(Opening theme)


Being pinned to the wall by Fina's stand, with its large hands and their mouth palms. Something Sven never thought he would go up against.

Sven: Freaky ass bitch!

Fina pulled out two hand fulls of seeds which she tosses in front of her stands blowing hands.

The seeds are sent flying towards Sven as small fists grow out of the seeds, which punch him as they land on him.


Sven:(mind) Bloody hell... First cats, now a woman with a hand fetish! Why do I get the bizarre ones!?

Ridin' Dirty ripped a pipe out of the wall causing the basement to fill with steam, making it a makeshift sauna.

While visibility was still good enough to see her, Sven had his stand throw the pipe at Cyrus.

The pipe pierced the tongue of one of the large hands Cyrus was sitting on, causing Fina's tongue to get pierced

Fina: Gha!

Temporary stopping the blowing of the hands, Sven rushed to cover allowing him to hide with the cover of steam.

Sven:(mind) Alright. I might be able to work with this-


Feeling his skin crawl as the sensation of several little things literally crawling on top of him came over him.

Looking down, he saw many of the little hands that Fina blew at Sven to hurt him, spread throughout his body, climbing him.


Instinctively, Sven tried to knock them off, but being stand creations, he could not affect them.

A large hand with Cyrus on top of it then loomed over Sven in his hiding position.

Sven: Bullocks!

Ridin' Dirty began punching the hand Cyrus road on the back of. After doing some bruising, the hand flicked one of its fingers at Ridin' Dirty, landing a hit on its gut.


Sven: Listen here, you little cyberpunk goth wannabe prostitute, blow job, hand job fusion bitch!

Fina did not respond due to the hole in her tongue.

Sven: If you think for a second you can beat me, I'll turn you into a steam chicken!

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