Chapter 14: Being Friends

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After watching the movie, Yue Fei asked the driver to drive him back to Nanwan Xiang District.

On the way back, Yue Fei suddenly remembered about the study room, so he sent a message to Tang Yue, saying that he needed to get a study room in Nanwan Xiang District.

Tang Yue responded quickly, saying that Mr. Gu had already told him, during the time he was at the Yue residence today, Tang Yue had already taken the time to contact the interior design team to get everything done.

Although there were many rooms in the Nanwan Xiang District house, the best place for study was the room with fitness equipment next to Gu Wei's study on the second floor, considering the conditions of light and environment.

After asking Gu Wei for instructions, Tang Yue moved the gym to the first floor, and the room on the second floor was remodeled into Yue Fei's study room.

Yue Fei was shocked by Tang Yue's work efficiency. He sighed and sent him a message to ask: Secretary Tang, out of my own curiosity, what's your annual income?

Tang Yue: less than a million [blushing]

Yue Fei who wanted to recruit someone over: ...Oh!

Confirmed, he is a secretary he can't afford.

Knowing that he would soon have his own study room, Yue Fei really wanted to return to Nanwan Xiang District in a heartbeat. He wanted to know what interior design Tang Yue chose.

While he was lost in his imaginations, Tang Yue sent another message.

Tang Yue: I originally wanted to ask your opinion on the design, but Mr. Gu happened to see the draft, and he settled on it right away. You will definitely like it.

Yue Fei: Okay, I see.

Gu Wei chose it? Hope the style is not too rational and serious.

Back at Nanwan Xiang District, Yue Fei couldn't wait to go up to the second floor.

The door of the new study was not closed, Yue Fei turned the knob to walk in, and immediately realized his presumption of Gu Wei's taste is wrong.

Desk, bookshelves, floor-to-ceiling window, projector, small sofa, snack cabinet, game console...

Is this a study room? Why is it like an entertainment room?

Yue Fei sat down at the desk and took a picture of the room and sent it to Gu Wei.

Yue Fei: My study? [image]

While waiting for a reply, Yue Fei got up and walked to the small sofa, knelt down and opened the snack cabinet. As expected of Tang Yue, it was full of all kinds of snacks.

While Yue Fei was choosing which to eat, a familiar voice came from the entrance of the study.

"You don't like this design?"

Yue Fei turned his head, Gu Wei was standing at the door with his hands in his pockets, looking at him, there was a banter in his tone.

Yue Fei stood up, a little caught off guard: "Don't you have work today?"

"Just got back."

Gu Wei walked into the room and looked around the design.

"If you are unsatisfied, have Tang Yue change it."

Yue Fei: "It's actually exceeding my expectation, but it does not look like a study room."

Gu Wei: "Which part does not look like a study room?"

I Got Bitten After Transmigrating into a Pseudo-BetaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin