Jessie's Heart-breaking Backstory!!/ Another Confession!

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Narrator: "As Our Heroes continued to Travel to Saffron city they had another encounter with Team Rocket and they Jessie was able to Capture Togepi which now Had led to this Anime styled Chase scene with Dust trails and screaming! Just Watch and You'll understand what I just said!"


Jessie was running off with Misty's Togepi and Jackson was running closely behind her slowly closing the distance between them!


They were soon Followed by The rest of Team Red and Team Rocket who was slowly losing the pace of the two of them!

Team Red/ James/ Meowth: "WAIT UP!!!"

They kept running and Running through this dirt path and when Jessie Looked behind her she was too Late as Jackson was right behind tackling her to the ground but when he did they both tossed and turned down A Hill and into A River where they were washed away by  A River downstream!

Team Red/ James/ Meowth: "JACKSON!/ JESSIE!" 

They both soon washed up at A Nearby Bank and Jackson looked around to see if Togepi and Jessie were Okay! 

Togepi: "Togepi!"

Togepi was of course okay because he used Metronome and wagged his little finger and Got Surf and that's how they got here! Jessie was surprisingly not moving and he ran over to see if she was Okay!

Jackson: "Please be Alive! Please be alive! Sweet Arceus Please be Alive! Please!"

He then checked her heart and heard that her heart was beating! She wasn't really breathing! so there was only one thing he can do to remedy this!

Jackson: "Sweet Arceus Please don't make this weird for either of us!" *Turns to Togepi* "Togepi Sweet Baby Boy I need you to turn around!"

Togepi: "Togepi?" (Why is that Daddy?)

Jackson: "Just Turn around and Please don't look at us until I say so! Got it?"

Togepi: "To-To-Togepi!" (Got it, Daddy!)

Togepi then turned around covering his eyes as Jackson turned back to Jessie and took A Deep breath of Courage before connecting his mouth to her's and While he was giving her Mouth to Mouth she Woke up Opening her eyes and she saw what was happening and she was shocked!

Jessie.EXE Has stopped!

She was Quickly debating in her head what she could do! Should she Kiss back? Should she push Him off? Should she just stand there and just take it? But while she was thinking he noticed that she was awake and Separated Their Mouths!

Jackson: *Bright Pink* "O-Oh my Arcecus!!! J-Jessie I-I am so sorry!! Y-You weren't Breathing and I had no idea what to do so I had to do that a-a-a-and-!!"

Jessie: *Blushing* "No... It's Okay... It... Was nice..."

Jackson: "W-What...!?"

Jessie: "N-Nothing..."

Jackson: "Um... To be honest with you I never think you guys are bad guys... Just comic Relief..."

Jessie: "yeah, Well Our lives aren't All Laughs..."

Jackson: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Jessie just crawls up to him laying up against his side as she continued to talk!

Jessie: *Sigh* "Promise not to Laugh?"

Jackson: "Um... Promise..."

Jessie: "Look... When I was younger I was forced to grow up without my Mom... All I knew about her was that she was A Part of team rocket and that it... When I turned 13 just like you, I wanted to become A Nurse so I went to Nurse school... Only to realize it's A School for Chansey's... DON'T LAUGH!"

Jackson: "I wasn't I swear!"

Jessie: "When I got there I literally FacePalmed myself until My Face had A Red handmark on it but I went in there and worked my Ass Off so I can Become A Nurse and then on Graduation day... I didn't get my Diploma because... I wasn't A Damn Chansey... After I left the Nursing School A Dropout I did some Soul Searching until I Found Myself in A Biker Gang where I found James and after A Fight we were both Kicked out until we found Team Rocket, we Applied, and We then Met Meowth, and here we are now... 2 Years later and Now we're chasing you guys and You're Pokemon."

Jackson: "Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah Wait A Second!? 13 Years plus to More!? You're 15!?"

Jessie: "Is That really hard to Believe...?"

Jackson: "No, Not really, I mean You're young and beautiful, and well... I'm shocked you're 15 because You Look really Mature 15 A 15-year-old!"

He then Moved his Hand And Cupped her Cheek as she Looked into his Amber-colored Eyes!

He then Moved his Hand And Cupped her Cheek as she Looked into his Amber-colored Eyes!

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Jackson: "Um... Jessie... Nevermind It's stupid..."

Jessie: "W-What were you going to ask?"

Jackson: "I was going to ask if you Know about My Harem and-!"

Before he can even finish she Grabbed him by the cheeks and Kissed his Lips as he was shocked at first he started to kiss back before they both Let go and Take Their much Needed O2!

Jessie: "So... Am I in?"

Jackson: "Yeah, But I think it's best if we keep this A Secret... You know?"

Jessie: "Good Point!"

Just then they heard Voices!

Green: "Jackson where are you!?"

James: "Jessie!? You around here!?"

Yellow: "Please don't have Your soul leaving Your Body like if A Long, Red, Lamia is Strangling you!"

Meowth: "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Yellow: "Just an Easter Egg for the Viewers!"

Jackson: "Look Jessie Let's just start off where we let off and I'll even give you A 5-second headStart!"

Jessie: *Blushing* "Thanks..."

She then Grabbed Togepi kisses his cheek and ran off and He gave her A Full 5 seconds before he gave chase and soon everyone found them and The Chase Began!

Narrator: "So the Journey Continues!! Next time on Pokemon!!!"

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