Officer Jenny and The Growlithe School Training!!/ Part 2!!

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Narrator: "As Our Heroes Train with Officer Jenny and Her Arcanine Team Rocket watch from Afar with Malicious Intent for Our Heroes as they have A Plan to Kidnap some new Pokemon for the Team Rocket Organization!"

Jessie: "Look At All of those Growlithe's! They'll make doing anything difficult with them around!"

James: "Yes but how can we get rid of them?"

Meowth: "Hmmm... I might have an Idea!"

Jessie/James: "What is it?"

Meowth: "Why Don't we Capture those Growlithe's Instead of Just getting rid of them! Think About Our Boss Giovanni would have A Bunch of Loyal Guard Dog willing to protect him at all costs and he will Look back at this and think *Giovanni Impression* I love all of these Growlithe's so Much! I should Jessie, James, and That Meowth A Raise!"

Jessie: "That's Surprisingly A Great Idea!"

James: "I Concur! Giovanni would be more than Proud of us for this One But how to Capture them is the First Part!"

Jessie: "Hmmm... I Just may Have an Idea!"

Back with Team Red, they were continuing to Train with Officer Jenny and the Growlithe's when they decided to take A Nice rest back at the Bunks when A Noxious Green Gas started spewing across the Academy grounds as it started to seep towards Officer Jenny and Growlithe's!

Jenny: "Huh? What is that?"

The Gasses started hitting the Growlithe's as it started knocking out their sense of smell and made their sight so Blurry then can Barely see anything without it seeming like A 3rd Grade School Painting!

Jenny: "Growlithe Use Odor Sleuth!"

The Growlithe's started trying to detect who was seeping the Gas into the Area but they realized their sense of smell is gone! Jenny's voice has also gone higher as well! As if She was on Helium!

Jenny: "What the!? What's wrong with my voice!? Arcanine use Roar"

Her Arcanine could not tell who was giving the order so he just refused to altogether!

Inside of the room, Team Red had noticed what was Happening and Started wondering what was Happening!

Jackson: "What the hell is happening!? Why are our Voices so High!?"

Brock: "It must be this Gas in the Air!"

Yellow: "Cool! We sound like Alvin and the Chipmunks! Can we sing the Christmas song!?"

Misty: "What the Hell is A Freaking Chipmunk!?"

Green: "Nevermind! Let's go outside! We must be under attack!"

Jackson: "Alright then!"

Jackson/Green/Yellow/Misty/Brock: "Go Eevee/ Zigzagoon/ Pikachu/ Psyduck/ Geodude!"

Eevee/Zigzagoon/Pikachu/Psyduck/Geodude: "Yeah!/ Zig-Zigzagoon!/ Pika, Pika!/ PSY!!!/ Geo-GeoDude!"

They all Ran outside to fight whoever was Attacking the Growlithe Training School!

Meowth: "Okay so Now what' the next Part of the Plan?"

Jessie/James: "This!"

They then Change outfits to A Pair of Officer Jenny Uniforms to Hopefully trick the Growlithe into think that they Were Officer Jenny!

Gotta love them all (Male OC X Pokemon Harem)!! (On Hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant