Chaeyoung watched him, silent. The last thing she wanted to do right now was to annoy the man in front of her.

He has been nothing but patient with her the entire day. He had watched her silently as she wiped her tears in front of him, hoping he wouldn't ask. He didn't. He made sure she was warm and comfortable in his bed before going off to work. He brought her food once he returned, saying she needs to get some food in her system. He took her for a walk, saying it would do her good. Yet, all she did was ignore his concerned looks and questions, keeping to herself. And as much as she wanted to continue doing that, she knew the man in front of her had his limits. And she was not planning on testing those anytime soon.

Steering her eyes away from him, she took a deep breath, clutching her hands tightly in front of her.

But what was she going to say? The truth? Would he even care for it?

The king took her face in his palms, forcing her to look at him.

''Did something happen at the festival? Did someone bother you?'' once the words that left his lips finally made sense she widened her eyes, shaking her head quickly.

''No! Nothing of that sort, your Majesty! You don't need to worry, I promise.'' however, Taehyung kept his eyebrows furrowed, trying to read the girl in front of him.

''Something must be going on. I am not blind,'' as she looked away from him, he could see Chaeyoung taking in a deep breath, most likely thinking of a way to get out of this. But he would not allow such a thing. ''Anything that's bothering you, you can tell me,'' Chaeyoung looked up at him doubtfully, one eyebrow up. Taehyung could not deny that he felt a bit offended at that but he shook it off quickly.

He watched her as the girl looked down, her eyes running all around his broad chest, gathering her thoughts. Knowing to be patient, Taehyung ran his hands from her face to her shoulders soothingly, holding her softly but firmly at the same time.

Taehyung could see she was shaken, even now her face adorned such sadness that it made his chest tighten uncomfortably. He didn't know why, but he hated seeing her like this. He was so used to the bashful and chirpy girl he knew her for, he despised how all that went away just in the span of one night. Just yesterday, she was nothing but a ball of sunshine, her wide smile brightening up the entire room as she had tried to persuade him into letting her go to the festival. He was just now realizing how he fucking adored her childish giggles, her playful pouts, her heartful laughs. He would do anything to get those back.

Yet, once he saw the first tear roll down her cheek, he couldn't help but panic. Taking her face in his palms again he stepped closer, looking down at her in concern.

''Sweetheart, come on,'' he pleaded, searching her teary eyes for an answer.

He knew he wouldn't pry the answer out of her forcefully if she didn't want to tell him. But he had to try.

''You see...'' she muttered shakily, playing with her fingers as she avoided his eyes, ''the-the thing is...'' Taehyung sighed, she was a mess.

''My love, look at me,'' he cooed, making her look up at him nervously, ''I want you to breathe slowly and relax. You're shaking,'' Chaeyoung took in a few deep breaths, closing her eyes. Taehyung could feel her relax in his arms, making him sigh in relief. ''Good girl.''

Stroking her cheek softly he watched her as she opened her eyes again, looking up at him in sorrow.

''In three weeks from now,'' she started quietly, Taehyung listening to her carefully with a little nod of reassurance. Chaeyoung took another deep breath, ''it''s my parents' death anniversary.'' she muttered quietly, looking away from him, not wanting to see his reaction.

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