Cabin No. 304.

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Lisa's POV:

I insert the key and tilt it as I twist the door knob to our small cabin. Layla, my roommate and I both enter the cabin and explore it a bit. It wasn't really big but it was cool. Two separate beds on each side, a bathroom, and free space in the corner where we could keep our luggages.

"Seems alright!" Layla says as she falls on the bed.

I had met Layla before but we never really talked.

"Yeah, at least, no tents. They have upgraded" I sigh dropping my luggage on one side.

We change into our nightwear and I hop on the sliding my legs in the warm blanket.

"Anyway, what are you up to?" she asks.

"Sleep, I guess?" I say not quite understanding what's she trying to say.

"Sleep, Really? Let's play some games" she grins happily.

"Okayy.. What kinda games?".

I wanted to sleep, that's my favorite thing to do but I didn't wanna be mean or anything to her.

Suddenly, my phone flashes with a text message from Brittney. I seize my phone from the side table to look up.

Brittney: Hey, I am bored.. How about we do something fun? Come to our cabin, the staff is slept anyway.

Sleep is fun, though.

"My friend is calling, you wanna come too?" I ask Layla as she also wanted to do something.

"Yeah, sure" she says excitedly.

With that, I nod my head to her and text Brittney.

Me: Okay, me and Layla are heading. Your Cabin number?

Brittney: K. I don't know, I guess it's 304.

"Hey, my mom is calling. You go, I'll come soon" she says as her phone vibrates with a tone.

"I can wait for you here, if you want".

"No, it's fine. Don't keep them waiting. Just tell me the no. of cabin" She mumbles with a genuine smile.

"Okay, come soon. It's 304" I say as I leave the room.

I sigh as the cold wind hits me as I step outside. I take walk searching for her cabin. It was too far from ours.

Finally, I reach at the cabin. I knock twice on the door but nobody answers. The door was unlocked so I slowly stepped inside. It was all dark, I couldn't see anything in there. My vision became all black.

"Britts?" I call her name as I touch the air in front of me to feel anything.

"Look Brittney, if this is one of your stupid little prank then I'm leaving. Don't play this game with me, you know I'm already afraid" I sigh hoping for an answer.

I guess, she's just gonna pop up out of nowhere and scare me. I hate when she does this.

I take tiny little steps towards the right and all of sudden, I stumble over a wooden table.

"Ow!" I groan as I grab my knee.

Wait a damn minute, Why do I feel like it's not her room. What if I'm in someone else's room. Shit!

I limp heavily towards the door to exit but soon enough, I feel a grasp on my waist. It spins me around to hit me with firm surface. I involuntarily drop my hands over a hard chest.

I find myself wheezing heavily in surprise. Inhaling the same air as him.

His familiar fresh aroma makes me curious to discern his face. He switches on his lamp with his hand still on my waist.

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